Predictive power of the tarot?


That's method seems random sort of like flipping a coin. Ive read this flipping the coin comparison on here from Nisaba And she's right.

Tarot is more in depth and psychologically responsive. I bet the cards you drew all together held a much more compelling picture as a whole.
I don't even remember the cards but I will not do that again. I will rebuild my trust in tarot.


Are these readings done face to face? Meaning are you reading for the ex while the ex is not there? Are you reading for the ex boyfriends of the females you are reading for, so the female is there? Are you reading for these men without their permission?

Because if that is the case, then the cards maybe coming up are for the person who is sitting down next to you.

I suspect this most likely what is happening. I think in this situation, the cards are reflecting you (calichick1985) and your friends' perceptions rather than the reality. But assuming for a minute that these are accurate descriptions of what the future holds, it illustrates the real reason I don't like reading on these types of questions, and for people who are not the sitter (third parties). Because if this is the truth, then what are you and your friends going to do about it? What can you do?

It just seems a waste, to me, to ask fatalistic questions when the tarot has the potential to give you news that you can use. It has the potential to give valuable guidance in improving your life, and instead you got depressing, disheartening information that does nothing to advance your lives. I don't mean to be harsh, but maybe your friends should ask why they are so concerned with these 'serial cheaters, alcoholics, emotionally abusive, liars' and how they can make better choices about who to partner with in the future.


I suspect this most likely what is happening. I think in this situation, the cards are reflecting you (calichick1985) and your friends' perceptions rather than the reality. But assuming for a minute that these are accurate descriptions of what the future holds, it illustrates the real reason I don't like reading on these types of questions, and for people who are not the sitter (third parties). Because if this is the truth, then what are you and your friends going to do about it? What can you do?

It just seems a waste, to me, to ask fatalistic questions when the tarot has the potential to give you news that you can use. It has the potential to give valuable guidance in improving your life, and instead you got depressing, disheartening information that does nothing to advance your lives. I don't mean to be harsh, but maybe your friends should ask why they are so concerned with these 'serial cheaters, alcoholics, emotionally abusive, liars' and how they can make better choices about who to partner with in the future.

That is what is happening. I don't think you're being harsh, but I'm not one to tell my friends what to ask- aside from it not being a yes or no question. Their questioning doesn't revolve around that, I just noticed the pattern last time.

I think I'll stay away from those types of questions, simply because only one of the readings I've done (like that) are different from those typical outcomes.


IMO, the cards will tell what a person will feel, not what's their destiny in life.

Women in general seem more keen to do conscious self-development, in particular after a break up; whereas men can have a tendency to believe that a new partner, new love, new life will fix it all - and then happily throw themselves into enjoying life instead of going through the baggage (even if they should).

It doesn't mean the men's life is eternally trouble free, nor that women's life is always troubled. It's a snap shot.

I've never seen this pattern in my cards but this is what it looks to me in your friends' case.


Can the tarot predict the future, long term, like overall in life?

I have to admit, I've done readings for myself and for girlfriends, asking the future of themselves and their respective ex-partners. I have noticed a theme in the spreads, being that the women, myself included, who were asking this, all rec'd resulting cards that showed there was work to be done on themselves and that they were carrying burdens and pains,
while, for the men, they all rec'd wonderful cards, like the ace of cups, the lovers, two of cups, etc.

The pattern here being that the women, like me, were hurt and facing an uphill struggle and we all viewed our respect exes, as being happier, moving on, not having a problem in the world, "how can he just leave me like this and not have any issues himself" kinda mentality.

I just noticed the pattern.

Is the tarot predicting the future, or just reading what we think our future is going to be by what we see? I'm kinda confused...because all of these men that are involved, well, they ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Some of them are serial cheaters, alcoholics, emotionally abusive, liars, etc.
Yet they get all the stereotypical beautiful bounty cards and we get the 10 of wands, 9 of swords, 7 of swords, the tower, death, etc.
It sounds like this might be more a question regarding your reading accuracy. If you feel your readings on predicting the future aren't accurate, have the predictions you've done for yourself and others come to pass? (Rhetorical Q) Even if you feel the men had "better" cards come up, did the future event you predicted for them actually happen? If they did, then you know you're becoming more accurate. I am not sure how long you've been reading tarot for. If you've been reading for years and this isn't the issue, my apologies.

Another thought...I know I can sometimes get funky readings if I'm too tired or too emotional. It has nothing to do with the cards or universe sending me messages, but rather, I wasn't balanced enough internally to blank out the energies and concentrate on the question while shuffling. Focus is really important to the cards being able to give you an accurate answer. I have asked about the future of my love life and, while shuffling, my mind went back to a work issue that was giving me grief. And sure enough...I got a celtic cross about my work situation!

An analogy is being on a date with someone and your are telling them about something important, yet they are not looking at you and texting/tweeting it up on their iPhone. Are they getting the message or can they process the story with all that other interference going on? I can't say what's happening in your case, but it could be that when you're shuffling, asking about your romantic future, your thoughts might skip to an ex that you haven't moved on from or financial situation that gets you down. Your cards could be trying to best answer on what you've intentioned.