Invisible Light Tarot


My deck just arrived today and I've spent some time with it. First off, the presentation is beautiful and the LWB is extremely thorough and helpful. The cardstock is gorgeous, silky feeling and weighty without feeling inflexible. The whole thing comes in a sturdy box with a pull-out side that has a ribbon to help with that process, like a tiny drawer. The cards are a bit 'sticky', and if you riffle (which you can do while barely bending the cards at all), they need to be pushed together loosely and slowly, at least at the beginning. The deck also feels very wide, and the images go straight to the edge, so the small handed might find it a little tricky.

The deck is meant to be read without reversals (plus, the backs aren't symmetrical, making it clear when any cards are reversed), and the suits are fire, water, air and earth instead of wands, cups, swords and pentacles. It's extremely readable, but the pictures often don't reference classic RWS symbols at all, and it can take a bit of interpretation to get to the right conclusion. The LWB is very helpful, because the cards seem to be meant to be read through a lens of 'light'. Negative cards point out the necessary trials of life, the Tower emphasizes that structures you've built aren't serving anymore and need to be destroyed, things like that. This is very much a deck that points out that light and shadow are both part of any picture. It's a modern deck, and even though it's filled with ethereal images from using old film, the LWB and gorgeous cardstock brings it all down to earth. All the cards and the contents of the LWB are available on the artist's site, so you can get an idea of the 'attitude' of the deck before committing. I'm an earthy person, the no-BS approach appeals to me, but it might not be for everyone. Or you can toss the LWB and go with what you feel if the images speak to you.

This is the most expensive deck I've ever purchased, but I'm pretty sure it's going to prove worth every penny. It also gave me a spot-on reading first go, so I have no complaints there. It's a deck that will require some time and dedication to dig into, but that time will pay off.


I've been seduced by this deck and I think I must give it a try. I'm very curious to see how I will intuit with it (or not!). I feel a connection to what I've seen so far and it doesn't hurt that it has beautiful, immersive yet straightforward images.


I broke down too! Will see how it goes when I get it- it will be my first photographic deck but the imagery is so different that it pulls me where others have not.


I received the deck a couple days ago- but work craziness kept me from really doing more than looking at it briefly.

Today- I spent a nice amount of time, just really going through it, and finally, actually reading with it.

First off- cardstock- I am a big riffle shuffler and bad cardstock will kill my deck love quicker than a bad side affair. I am pleased with the cardstock on this deck. It was sticky at first, after about 3 shuffles it was smooth as silk. Good quality cardstock, and though matte, the pictures really do come out well.

Second- I HATE photo-realistic decks- and I could never get along with decks that have a mish-mash of art and real people faces looming over it like some creepy dude in a van trying to give away candy. Bleh. Unfortunately- this almost kept me from purchasing the Invisible Light. But then, I took a breath and realized- no, this is not a photo-realistic deck, it is a photographic deck (which I had never owned previously). I am happy to say that it works very well- so if you are like me and don't like the mish-mash- then I would suggest at least considering it- because it has a very different look and feel.

Third- the pictures are amazing- there is no way to see the elegance of the way the special photo stock alters the pictures in online images- not the way you see it when actually looking at the deck. There is this surreal shimmer to everything- like looking through a world that is real, that you know, yet being fortunate enough to see the magic in it that is not visible to us with our own eyes.

Fourth- the read. I was worried with the non-traditional imagery and photos that I would have a difficult time with that. It read beautifully from the start- effortless, yet with clarity and, honestly, I don't even have the word for it. Almost like you were brought into the message and then able to hear it in your own mind- rather than seeing it laid out in front of you. I haven't had a deck do that before- and so this one is rather unique, and that puts it in the front of the line for me in many ways.

Finally- the book is very good. Small but perfect in descriptions that actually match what you see on the cards as you are sifting through. I also like the spread they list for use with the deck- it's just a thing of mine, if there is a particular spread for a deck, then that is what I start off with.

So all in all, I am so glad I purchased it. I hesitated for a long time over this one- and honestly, it has elevated to the top of the list for me. I would say, if you have thought about it but have doubts and go back and forth- this is one of those decks that is worth it. I have had some that were losers and I wished I had stayed away- this is definitely a winner.


I feel like I got a not quite new deck.

Not sticky at all, not in order, and some wear on the backs 3 cards. LWB slightly bent open. Top of the box somewhat collapsed making it a little hard to pull the drawer in and out. Are the marks on the backs are a problem with the matte card stock?

Pics: The marks on the back of the card are more pronounced IRL.


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I feel like I got a not quite new deck.

Not sticky at all, not in order, and some wear on the backs 3 cards. LWB slightly bent open. Top of the box somewhat collapsed making it a little hard to pull the drawer in and out. Are the marks on the backs are a problem with the matte card stock?

Pics: The marks on the back of the card are more pronounced IRL.

My deck looked nothing like that at all -- the backs have marked a little with use, but nothing like what yours looks like, and my drawer doesn't shut all the way now that I've opened and closed it a bunch of times, but the deck was impeccable when it arrived. You should contact her, she's really nice.


My deck looked nothing like that at all -- the backs have marked a little with use, but nothing like what yours looks like, and my drawer doesn't shut all the way now that I've opened and closed it a bunch of times, but the deck was impeccable when it arrived. You should contact her, she's really nice.

I will thanks, I just wanted a second opinion before I did. :)


It was an honest mix up. She is sending out another right away. :D