'Workhorse' Decks

Julian Jaymes

My current workhorse is my Lo Scarabeo Tarot. Beautiful art, RWS-style imagery. It just works very well for me. I use it mostly for myself, though. My workhorse for clients is the Universal Waite.

However, I just got the Tarot Mucha and I'm so hooked on it that it may become my new workhorse! LOL


Love this thread!

My workhorses are:

Original Rider-Waite-Smith
Osho Zen (I especially like using this one for personal shadow work)
The Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot (I don't use this one extensively, but I keep coming back to it because it makes me smile)


My current workhorse is my Lo Scarabeo Tarot. Beautiful art, RWS-style imagery. It just works very well for me. I use it mostly for myself, though. My workhorse for clients is the Universal Waite.

However, I just got the Tarot Mucha and I'm so hooked on it that it may become my new workhorse! LOL

Same here! My usual workhorse (for years) was my Fenestra Tarot but then I received the Tarot Mucha last week and omg... I haven't been able to put it down. It's so easy to work with and accurate already. It's quickly becoming my go-to deck.