The "Chariot Spread"


Hi, All -- Happy New Year to everyone!!

I set aside part of this evening for doing a spread that would look ahead at the new year to come, but I got stuck at first as to just what spread to use. After some thought, I had an inspiration: I know that my Year Card for 2012 is the Chariot, so I decided to create a Chariot-themed spread for the occasion. I cooked up the following, made use of it, and I got a really terrific result! It was very deep and meaningful for me, very on point, given the developments in my life in more recent months, and it just felt very, very true overall. With all that being the case, I decided to share it here -- even if you don't have any special ties at the moment with the Chariot card, it might be an informative it is (and when I say "the querent," that means another person if that's who you're reading for, or just you if you're doing the spread for yourself):


The main question is, "To realize the best possible outcome, what does the querent need to know about ____________?"

1 = The Charioteer -- The querent, and her/his available energy, luck, current strengths and weaknesses
2 = The Chariot -- The "conveyance" that the Charioteer will ride, be it a literal or a figurative one
3 = The White Horse -- The obvious primary forces that the Charioteer must harness
4 = The Black Horse -- The more hidden and subtle primary forces that the Charioteer must harness
5 = The Battlefield -- The obstacles and opposition the querent will need to overcome in order to reach her/his goal
6 = Outcome -- This is the current likeliest outcome, given all other presently prevailing factors...although the querent can work to change and improve this outcome

As I said, I got a great inaugural result from this spread, and it's also a manageable amount of cards. Hopefully this will be of use to someone out there in Aeclectic-Land!! Happy 2012 to all of you!


Hey, that's cool! My year card is the Lovers, could you whip one up for me?? :)


My card for this year is also the Chariot, so I am glad you posted this spread, thanks!!
I am going to give it a try and will give you feed back.
Happy New Year!



Hey, that's cool! My year card is the Lovers, could you whip one up for me?? :)

Hi, Carla! I have a few appointments I need to head off to here, but I'm actively pondering a Lovers spread for you, and will see if I can't post something good here later today (I'll start a new thread for it)...glad you liked this one! :)

My card for this year is also the Chariot, so I am glad you posted this spread, thanks!!
I am going to give it a try and will give you feed back.
Happy New Year!


Hi, Zelmira -- I'd be *very* interested in hearing about your experience with this spread after you give it a go. And happy Chariot Year to you, my fellow 2012 Charioteer! ;)


Hey, that's cool! My year card is the Lovers, could you whip one up for me?? :)

Okay, Carla: ask, and ye shall receive! I just took a shot at a Lovers-themed spread for you, and posted it as a separate thread. It was tougher than the Chariot, I freely admit, so I hope it will work for you at least to some extent!

I'm realizing that doing spreads built around the theme of a single card like this is a very intriguing prospect...and at the same time, I now already see how some of them would be monstrously difficult (I haven't the slightest clue what I'd do, for instance, if someone wanted to see a "Hierophant Spread"...).