Things Aren't Always What They Seem


This thread got me to thinking about situations in which one isn't directly involved, but one still has an opinion or feeling about the situation. That got me to thinking that even when one is directly involved in a situation, one often doesn't know everything involved in the situation. So I came up with this spread. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but hope that someone will find it useful.


(For some reason the Tree of Life layout seems the most appropriate to me.)

1. What I know about the situation that is true.
2. What I don't know that I know about the situation/What I need to know about the situation.
3. What (I think) I know about the situation that's actually not true.
4. What I should do with the information reflected in position 1.
5. What I should do with the information reflected in position 2.
6. Why I think I know something that actually isn't true.
7. What I shouldn't do with the information reflected in position 1.
8. What I shouldn't do with the information reflected in position 2.
9. What I should do about the information reflected in position 6.
10. Outcome if all the above advice is absorbed and followed.

It probably makes the most sense to read the positions in the order of:
1, 4, 7 - What I know, What I should do with that info and what I shouldn't do with that info
2, 5, 8 - What I don't know I know/need to know, What I should do with that info and what I shouldn't do with that info
3, 6, 9 - What I know that's false, Why I know it, What I should do about this realization
10 - Outcome

Feel free to tweak, criticize, comment, etc.



Um, I really, really like this spread. To test the waters, instead of asking a question relevant to me now, I did a snapshot of a question I might've asked about a certain situation two or three months ago--before I knew all the facts. The reading was bang on about the way I felt and what I needed to know and didn't know and already knew, et al, at the time.

Thanks for the spread. :)



You're quite welcome Jourdain! I honestly didn't know if this spread would be helpful/useful to anyone. This morning in the shower I was wondering if the Outcome position should be more of an Advice position. But maybe not.


reine de saba

and zffft - into the journal with her!

I can think of a few pertinent cases for this, but so useful does it look that it makes me rethink: how much information am I really ready for vis à vis the situation in question.

and love the shape :D




I originally posted b/c I had a question about one of the positions, but belatedly realized the answer was already there - if only I had read better. *blush*

But I did also want to say that I love this spread. Although I'm a neophyte I gave it a go, and it was amazingly accurate. Thank you for sharing it.



Glad you found it useful.


You asked the million dollar question, and one that I have phrased to others as "Don't ask me any questions you don't really want to know the answer to! (Cause those tend to be the ones that I answer. ;))"



This is a wonderful spread that just may have changed my life (for the better, of course)! Thank you so much for sharing. ^_^


soullovesound said:
This is a wonderful spread that just may have changed my life (for the better, of course)! Thank you so much for sharing. ^_^
Wow. I'm honored this spread means that much to someone. You're quite welcome.



I love this! I must just try it out later!


fateworksalways said:
I love this! I must just try it out later!
Hi fate,

Love your username! Would love to know how it works for you if you get a chance to try it out.
