All the tarot readings done for me were... wrong!


So, I've been to 4 readers in the past year. Partly out of curiosity because I wanted to see how they were reading their cards and partly because I find reading for myself really difficult. And I just wanted to know...

Thus I wanted an unbiased vision of my situation. But here it comes... all the readings were wrong. They did resonate, but none of them were correct. I was told that I would find the love of my life (nope), I was told that my career would finally lift off...(nope). That my finances were improving (nope), ... There was even one that is well known (youtube) who did a reading for me and even that was completely wrong on every level.

The strange thing is that the reader I visited in november 2015 and the one I visited in november 2016 were telling the exact same story.

The major thing that really happened in my life during 2016 (finding emotional balance, letting go of al the negativity, finding new friends)... that they missed.

You have to know that where I live, they always do a mix of Tarot and Lenormand. So they always are 'predictive'.

What are your thoughts about this? Because I find it quite frustrating. :)

One of the first things readers tend to learn about readings on the future is that the future is not set in stone and it IS very much changeable. In fact, I personally tell this to any querent who asks me to read on the future for them before starting.

That is a good thing in essence because for the most part it means that WE ourselves can usually choose to change the future after a reading is done. If we don't like what shows up, its not usually set and we CAN usually change it.

On the other side of the coin, this means that any reading on the future can at best only show on possible future amongst many. The reading will show the most probable future from where we are now. What will happen if nothing changes.

But it is not THE future, and it can change. When it changes it does not mean the reading was wrong, just that the future changed again after it was done. Imo, the 2 readings that told the exact same story, that is more than coincidence. To me this says that both readings were most likely right and accurate at the time. But that the future changed at some point after that.

Sometimes we can change the future on purpose and sometimes it changes without our purposely changing it. Any change in thoughts or attitude can sometimes lead us to react differently and change that future. Sometimes something as seemingly small as our being told the future can actually be enough to change it. if our feelings or attitudes change when hearing our future that can make enough change to alter the future.

My classic example for me is the person who asked if they would pass their exam tomorrow. They asked because they were concerned and the reading tells them they will pass with flying colors. So thinking they can't lose, they go out and party all night and fail.
At the time the reading was done, they were concerned about the results and would have studlied that night because of it. And done well. So the reading WAS correct.

But on having the reading they changed their attitude and thus their actions, and that then changed their future.

Anyway, the thing about any reading on the future is that the future can change. ALL that any reading on the future can do is tell us the most likely future, the one we are currently moving towards if nothing at all changes. And things do change at times. But that is all a reading on the future can ever do or be.

More often than not, readings on the future do come true. As people are fairly predictable and creatures of habit. These can be predicted. But still anything that changes after the reading is done, including the thoughts of feelings of the querent could create change to the future.

For what it's worth, I am not a fan of predictive readings. When it comes to the future I much prefer to ask how to create the future I want, than just where I am heading (knowing that this can change and that I can change it)

Eg If I want a raise at work, to me just asking if I will get one is nowhere near as productive as asking what I can do now that will help me get it. Then I can take those steps and create the future I want. If you know what I mean. Just asking what will come is passive, as if we have no control of what will come. I prefer a more active role in my future and asking what steps I can take to create what I want. Then to take them and arrive there.



Very long story, and the reader is always right because the future can change ... I am very eager to hear about the reader who can tell things that only the querent can know, and is able to help with solving crime cases.