Need a Good SYMBOL Book


I personally never really paid much attention to symbology of the tarot or to anything else. I know the very basic on dreams, and every site that I visit to help with trying to depuzzle something leaves me feeling as if my head is going to explode. I do understand that one thing can mean several different things, generally within a sublte range...apparently not so with some of the dream interpreting sites. So I'm looking for a GOOD book that gives you a firm idea of what certain common symbols mean.

Technically I would like a book on solely tarot symbology, both for the Waite-Smith and Thoth.* Anything would be fine as long as it is a decent amount of information without making me feel as if I'm completely stupid for not figuring it out on my own. Or not crazy enough to have thought to putting those two things together.

I do like BOOKS over anything else, I like having a hard copy of things. What I am looking for is something that would help get into the details of why there is an Arch-Angel in the Lovers card (as an example) or why the Six of Swords always shown with water. (kinda figured that one out ;) but you're seeing what I'm looking for)

Thanks in advance for an insight or help that you can give me. :D

*I do have the Understanding Alesiter Crowley's THOTH Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette, I use it all of the time but it doesn't go into detail of some of the symbols due to lack of space probably.


I got A Dictonary of Symbols by Cirlot and find it is very helpful. There is another few on Amazon which might be useful too.


The lady who teaches tarot in one of the book stores I visit recommended _Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary by Sandra A. Thomson. I wasn't able to get it that day, but have had it on my 'to get' list.

I would be curious if folks on this site who have this book like it?


I use the Cirlot a lot, too. Still looking for a used copy of the Penguin Dictionary of Symbols - that's another good one. And it goes through the symbolism of each of the major arcana cards of the Marseille, to boot.

There are some decent symbol dictionaries out there, and often you can save a bundle by buying used - check alibris, abebooks, etc.


The two books that immediately came to mind ... Cirlot's and Sandra A Thomson's have already been mentioned, but you can use a book like Rachel Pollack's good old Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom for a good card-by-card symbolic description of the RWS. Mind you ... a symbol is a symbol is a symbol. You can go through a dozen books and find different interpretations of the same symbol. Unlike a sign, which means one thing, a symbol is open to personal, social, cultural, universal etc. interpretation by it's very nature of being a symbol.

Once you dive into the world of symbols you are entering a world of wonder which lasts for ever. Enjoy!



Thanks guys, I'm going to start looking for all of these to see which one appeals to me most. :D I know what I want but not sure that I can actually put into words, exactly what I want...besides it gives me an excuse to go shopping for books, which is my second favorite hobby of shopping for tarot decks/oracles. :|


My absolute favourite - a book I couldn't do without! - and which includes the 22 Majors of the Tarot, as well as thousands of entries, is Chevalier and Gheerbrant's Penguin Dictionary of Symbols, a fat book but which comes in paperback. It's a classic.

I also like Cooper's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, which is very rich and complete.

But you can also look at more specialised symbols books, depending on your decks - e.g. Celtic symbols, Egyptian symbols, etc. For tarot, it's also essential you get yourself a good book on Christian symbolism and mythology.


Most of my decks are Waite-Smith clones, I have the Thoth, and a one or two others that tend to go out in left field on me which was why a good book on symbolism is what I wanted.

The best companon book I have is that of the Revelation deck. Zach Wong, explains why he choose to put certain things in to the images. I do also have the Tarot Companon book, which is good and has some symbology it is a very small section and only covering only about a 100 different symbols that she seems to choose from certain cards. Which is good for the basic but I need/want more.

So call me picky :p


I'd second or third or whatever the Penguin Dictionary of Symbols - easy to find on abebooks... It is heavy to mail though :D It gave me quite a turn when the bill showed up, as the BOOK was only $8....