SG - Reincarnation~ Topic: hell


Cricket! OMG, i havent' even read your post yet, i just HAD to jump on immediately and say
WHAT THE (*%^$(&*))_!!!!


ok, now i'm going to read your opinion, sorry for the outburst, couldn't help it!


*blinkblink* ummm.... *BOLMAO* Uh huh! Kayne gave it to me a good long while ago and I still haven't found the right way to thank him. :| (I am sooo bad... }) )


Veering off topic for just a moment

Oh man Cricket I agree, killer avatar~! And faboo work, as ever, Kayne! :D

Alissa, dreaming of the day when she may have an avatar of her own too....


We-elll... I don't know about hell, personally ;) but some people who came back from NDE's reported that they were somewhere - a place they described in "hellish" terms, i.e. dark, fearsome, monstrous, etc. They were convinced that they saw hell. And who's to argue with them? If it was only their imagination or expectation about what the afterlife looks like, then all the visions of love and light need to be judged in the same light, no? Besides, some of them firmly believed that there is no afterlife, so they had no preconceived ideas about what it would involve.

So what do you make of those reports? (Interestingly, when the first books about "life after death" appeared, those less than desirable afterlife options weren't mentioned - bad press? Only when the idea that we don't just vanish when we die had spread widely enough, dared some people report the darker versions...)


Hell yeah!

Well, there's always the Chinese version of Hell to contend with - all souls go to Hell after death (unless you've been a perfect angel I suppose); Hell is "guarded" by hooded and sometimes animal-headed or animal-limbed guards whose duty it is to make sure souls remain in Hell except for the August month where ghosts are let out of Hell. Hell is very graphic in this culture - I think there are 7? Hells - each with its own judges and special mode of torture - like being hung upside down, clubbed with spiked weapons, burnt, being made to walk on red-hot metal...and worse things. Paper money and paper effigies of items you would "need" to "live" in Hell are burnt to the dead, until you get your trun to reincarnate. Be good, and you're reincarnated human. Be bad, and you'll probably end up a cockroach in the next life.

You get my point.



If bad people go hell and good people go heaven. Then why did God(Jesus) made bad people? And why people that does not believe in Jesus have to thrown to the lake of fire? What if a 1 day old baby that doesnt know anything died? Where will he be thrown to?

I wanted to be a free-thinker but my friends say you arent being protected so is better to have one.


I don`t believe in hell or an afterlife filled with torture and retribution. I believe that we pay for our bad deeds- and our good ones in this life and in the lives which will follow this one. I think that when each life ends the soul goes through a period of `resting` until it is ready to be born into it`s next body. I just can`t go with the divine judgement thing, I think that we are all part of divinity along with everything else in nature and the universe. I believe that you reap what you sow (sooner or later).

Love and light

Crystalmynx xx


Bob Marley sings that Heaven is here on then Hell is too. With the way things are going these days, it looks like we are all going to Hell....regardless of being 'good' or 'bad'. The Native American's Heaven and Hell is a Chronological thing, 9 hells of about 50 years EACH...back to back...then 13 heavens, heavens + hells= World. We are in the 1st Heaven, 6th World.

I think along the lines of karmic reincarntion, as well a having to deal with the backlash in the current life. One's life can seem like Heaven it's so good, then life sometimes can be like hell. I don't have to die to know what hell is.


Chinese Version Hell

Chinese Version Hell

There is 18 levels of HELL. The 18th level is a place where nobody wants to go. The boss is Hades and there his 2 guards, Cow Head and Horse Face. Their jobs are to catch run-away ghosts. There are 2 more main guards which 1 is White and the other is Black. They have long tongues. One with abacus the other with the "Book of Death". They will put the soul out of a body and bring them to hell.

During the Lunar 7th Month of a year. All the ghosts will come to earth and eat all the want.

Heaven is usually a place for Gods or deties. When a person die, he/she can never go to heaven unless he/she done many many good deeds. It has been hundrends or even thousands ago since the last person died when to Heaven...


heaven and hell

I have to admit I don't believe in heaven or hell. I prefer to believe that everything you do bad this life will be punished on your next life. The better you are, the better your next life will be.. I think it's called karma.

I wasn't raised as a catholic, so no one ever told me about heaven and hell until my friends at school started telling me that I wasn't going to heaven since I wasn't baptised. I thought it was the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Just because of a minor detail (not being baptised) I wasn't going to heaven? Well, in that case I don't want to go to heaven! God can keep heaven for himself if He wants. It didn't bother me when I was a kid, and it's certainly not bothering me now...

But of course that doesn't mean I think other people's beliefs to be ridiculous... like I always say, if we were all equal we would all wear the same colour (now imagine all people in the world dressed in yellow or black) :D
