9 pentacles "caracol col-col, saca los cuernos al sol"


I love the snail :D

There are so many hidden bits and pieces across the cards that they just jump out at you sometimes.


Shame On Me!

i realize i never gave thanks to Rota, Firemaiden and Rosanne for your wellcomes,so weird! specially when that's make feel great cause i've been reading your post a lot of time ago and ever enjoy them and learn a lot from you! Thanks again!:)


firemaiden said:
I think Fulgour's translation sounds like it was done by google.
I think we can do better than that!
And so it was... but what a difficult search I had
to find anything relating to this pretty little song.

Dear ArcanoMáximo, might you please continue on
with the words and music? Where can I see them?
Or maybe you can write out the version you know,
and give us an idea of the music too? Let's all sing!


Public demands it!

I thought that yours was the original one. This is the one that I know, but I don't know if it is the original because like it is an infantile folkloric popular song and seems that has gone changing although it maintains the tune. But it was always for a snail removing the horns.
By the way the good thing is that this is much less bloody what makes it more singable i guess, because I don't know you but for me is so cute that cannot stop to sing it! Even when i'm not a good singer, but can you imagine it singed by Firemaiden? i guess she is a very, very good one!:)
You must start to sing and make spaces when a “ / “ appears:

Caracol/ col/col/
saca los cuernos/ al sol/
que tu madre/ y tu padre/
también los/ sa/ có/

Caracol/ col/col/
saca los cuernos/ al sol
que tu madre/ y tu padre/
fueron a A/ ra/ gón/
a comprarte/ zapatitos/ de color/ li/ món/

Caracol/ col/col/
saca los cuernos/ al sol/
que te vienen/ a buscar/
a la orilla/ de la mar

Caracol/ col/col/
saca los cuernos/ al sol/
que tu madre/ y tu padre/
están en/ A/ ran/cón/
haciendo/ la/ fiesta/
de Nuestro/ Se/ ñor


Cara / col/ col/
remove / your horns/ to the/ sun/
that your mother/ and your father/
they also took/ them/ out/

Cara / col/ col/
remove / your horns/ to the/ sun/
that your mother/ and your father/
they went to A/ ra/ gón/
to buy you / little shoes/ of lemon/ color/

Cara / col/ col/
remove / your horns/ to the/ sun/
that they come/ for/ you/
at the coast/ of the sea/

Cara / col/ col/
remove / your horns/ to the/ sun/
that your mother/ and your father/
they are in/ A/ ran/cón/
making a party/ for Our/ Lord/




¡Muchas Gracias!

I did find this very colourful website:
and there's music too, but not our song.
Still, we can all sing together now! :)



9 of Pentacles

3 Haiku of Issa For All Snails

A red morning sky
All this is for you, o snail
Are you delighted?

This is my old home
And in the face of the snail
Buddha's countenance

Nature of a snail
Climbing up Mount Fuji
Ever so slowly

( paraphrased )


Hey, Frank, what to beatifull poem you gave us! Thank you!

Foulgour, tu español es muy bueno! After all i am not the only speaking in several languajes here!Lol!
when I saw the information in the link you gave us about the universal forms I reminded The Mind Map Book where Tony Buzan links the Radiant Thinking with the Natural Architecture, Whow!!!...
Here are some a link, you'll enjoy...

A thing more i want to highlight. I looked for in other threads if someone had noticed this but I guess that not, even when is of common sense!. After all the 9 Pents Lady has a garden, and the nails are the naturally enemies of these. We have always seen to this small bug in a good sense, but may be this is not the meaning that Pamela wanted to give him. This Lady has been able to defend that wich was so much difficult to build even of those enemies that seem so innocents but that they could end up being very harmful, After all, who lets their garden fills with snails?hmmm...
Take care of low profile enemies! The appearances deceive!


You are so NICE!!!

i have no words to thank you for the link to my country information!
I guess many people do not know from where i am writing for, but now they will, the site is wonderfull, i'm so proud now, my ego is on the ceiling!!!
Thanks, thanks, thanks very, very much...


Dear Arcano,

Mi espanol es muy malo. Perdoname, por favor.

I so so appreciate your posts as I know it must be difficult to deal with your thoughts in a foreign language. But please keep posting because it is very important to me to hear how people who do not have English as their first language interpret the tarot.

You have given me many wonderful new thoughts.



Ok, i must confess i can't believe this,are you speaking spanish for me? do you say you learn from me? I never, never guess you people will do that, take this work...!!! Even when is already so much you pardon my mistakes!!!

your spanish is very good!You make feel Important, ok, i must confess i have an ego, and now is burning up!:) Thank you, sincerely,thanks...