The C.C. Zain Yes/No Spread


Found this very useful spread in his 'The Sacred Tarot' book...

Shuffle for reversals.
Deal 5 cards in a row (he says right to left, but I do it left to right!).
The centre card is worth 2 points, all the others are worth 1 point.
Count the points of the upright cards (yeses) versus the reversed cards (nos), and see which side wins, or it can be a draw = maybe.
Then interpret the cards as follows- The first 2 cards are the lead up to the issue, which is represented by the central card, and then cards 4 and 5 are the result/future. He suggests 7 or 9 card versions for more clarity.



This looks like a fun spread to try! I think I'll bookmark this for later use as well :)