Zombie tarot - Page of Wands


Evidence of how advanced zombie babies are. They teethe real young, and wean onto solid food pretty much from birth. You can imagine, breast feeding for the mum is not even a considered option with those two prominant variables. It does make things easier though. Rusks are so quickly gnawed through, and then you end up with the tears and tantrum that follows. Throw a zombie baby a bone, and he will be happy for hours. Yep, this little tyke is a go-getter already. He knows what he wants and makes you go and get it for him. And if you don't meet his demands, he will easily climb out of that high chair and go and get it himself. And what he seems to want right now, is a high protein diet. At least he won't be craving sweet stuff and losing those lovely teeth before he has reached the age of 5. I just hate to be you though. You see, what goes in must come out. The contents of those diapers will make your eyes water for sure. He is a wee bundle of energy and I hope you have the stamina to keep up with him already. If not, he will trade you in for a model that can keep up. I am guessing that was the fate of the previous owner of the leg bone he is tucking into.......


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Queen of Disks

The thought I got when I saw this card is the expression that someone is "eating me out of house and home." It reminds me of all the time and resources and effort and love someone puts into raising a child. And then hopes that the child grows up and becomes a good person and has a good life-or at least does not become one of the Undead and eats your leg.

ana luisa

The picture of eagerness.
Or "sucking" someone to the bone (reminded me a lot of corporations...)