What's Your Card . . . Keywords and Meanings


Neptune card

sacrificial/spiritual love, compassion,
connectedness to universal love

higher emotional processes
psychism, channeling
psychological/addiction problems
group utopian ideals

illusions, escape, dreams, water,
long distance travel, psychic, spiritual,
drugs or alcohol

Sign Ruler for Pisces 2/19 - 3/20
I Believe


Pluto card (9th)

revenge, destruction/annihilation, sex,
integrity, transformation (higher planes)

higher energy processes
power plays
personal inner challenges
conflicts- with authority

transformation, challenge, goal
power, control

Sign Ruler for Aries 3/21 - 4/19 (some say Scorpio)
I Am


Bacchus card (10th) Result or Cosmic Reward

blessings from past lives,
blessings that make us feel connected to the world as a whole

higher expansive processes
transformative & directive
self realization
rebirth & reward
personal outer challenges
conflicts- as authority

minor result, helps transcend the influence/challenge of Pluto

Sign Ruler for Taurus 4/20 - 5/20
I Have


edited to add: Oops, I think you are speaking of a specific oracle? One I don't have or I would have thought before I posted..sorry!


Vulcan card (11th) Cosmic Lesson or Magi Crown

approach to take with/for work,
obligations to our race or culture,
role we play to meet cosmic obligations

higher testing processes
self actualization
soul or life purpose
personal identity challenges
conflict with society

our test, initiation, choice,
what we are to integrate

Sign Ruler for Gemini 5/21 - 6/20
I Think


Moon card (12th) Cosmic

supports the journey mapped by the Transformed Self (13th card),

subconscious levels
the emotional condition
behavior patterns
reactive or reflective
home activities/hobbies
security & nurturing
spatial processes

security, emotions, childhood experience,
mother, something we gravitate to or pursue

Sign Ruler for Cancer 6/21 - 7/22
I Feel


Earth card (13th) Phoenix or Transformed Self

ultimate destination, goal,
person/energy embodied as a result of the experiences/challenges

ultimate outcome
the end result (good or bad)
rewarding development -> satisfaction ~or~ restricted & bitter

completion, true result for the year*
*taken into the next ____

(no zodiac sign)


edited to add: Oops, I think you are speaking of a specific oracle? One I don't have or I would have thought before I posted..sorry!

Hiya AJ,

This is information on using playing cards and finding your birth card and using the Grand Solar Spread.

Here is thread where the lovely and talented cardlady explains the mechanics of it: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=151117

Hope that helps.


My dear cardlady, thank you so much for this info. I have a notebook that is just for what's your card information (yes it is me attempting to be organized even just a little bit, LOL)

one question though: the planetary ruler card is the card that is in whatever slot for the particular zodiac sign right? ( like my planetary ruler is the moon, so mine is the 9 of hearts)
Just trying to make sure that I get it down, LOL.


Yes, you look at that position's card. This gives a "different flavor or expression" to the cards that have multiple dates. This is also why I prefer Iain McLaren-Owens' rulership setup. Using the traditional astrological rulerships creates a couple of dates that have the same Birth/Ruler combination, and gives Scorpio two (Mars & Pluto)

Thank you for catching AJ's post! I was just madly typing away, trying to get them all down.