What Cards Do You Have Trouble "Getting"?


I think I generally have the most trouble with the Swords suits-- 6S and 7S are the two that for whatever reason I have the most difficult time getting an "energy" for. Do you know what I mean? Maybe its just the deck (I normally read with an old RWS deck) but most of the time the other cards leap at me-- the 2 and 3S for example have very clear, distinct vibes that I can easily interpret.

What cards do you have the most trouble with?


The two and three of wands. Edited to add, judgment


Did you start to read the cards recently? If so, this is totally normal :)

At first, there was so many cards for which I ''could not get the energy'' or relate to, such as Judgement, Strength, 2 of pentacles, 2 of wands, 3 of wands, and the list goes on!

I think that over exposure and practice, you will start to relate to every single cards. What helps a lot is when you draw a card - experience the event itself - and put your personal meaning on a card afterwards. After reading the cards for 3 years (and practicing almost every day), the ''problem'' I sometimes face is that some card meanings change over time. It could be that a new experience arise in my life and makes me see a card quite differently. Or it can be that someone here on AT proposed a different meaning that I start to consider for a card. I think that card interpretations keep evolving, just as people do grow, change and evolve in their personal journey.


Did you start to read the cards recently? If so, this is totally normal :)

At first, there was so many cards for which I ''could not get the energy'' or relate to, such as Judgement, Strength, 2 of pentacles, 2 of wands, 3 of wands, and the list goes on!

I think that over exposure and practice, you will start to relate to every single cards. What helps a lot is when you draw a card - experience the event itself - and put your personal meaning on a card afterwards. After reading the cards for 3 years (and practicing almost every day), the ''problem'' I sometimes face is that some card meanings change over time. It could be that a new experience arise in my life and makes me see a card quite differently. Or it can be that someone here on AT proposed a different meaning that I start to consider for a card. I think that card interpretations keep evolving, just as people do grow, change and evolve in their personal journey.

Nah, I have been reading for a long time-- my grandma started teaching me when I as 7 or 8 and I am in my 30s now. I don't read daily, but I used to read semi-professionally when I needed to pick up extra money and even then I had this whole block with a few of the swords. I have no trouble with any of the Majors, but the Minors sometimes have "weaker" energy for me.


Judgment for me, though I'm slowly starting to "get it" more and more. It showed up in a spread for me the other night that really helped me connect to it in a personal way.

As for cards that can be difficult to get in a spread, I think I have that issue with the 2-3 of Wands and the 5-7 of Pentacles sometimes. I get what they mean, but sometimes applying them to certain situations can be a bit tricky.


2 and 3 of Wands, yes, and sometimes differentiating the 5 from the 7 of Swords.

And there are times when the Majors just don't want to talk! The Lovers and the Star can get especially tricky if I'm in the wrong mindset.


I've also been reading since I was a kid, and the only iffy card for me is the hierophant. Easier in some decks than others, but the only card I don't have an immediate idea of at a glance.

I think there are some decks that take a very dim view of the the hierophant, which I don't think is fair, or which I find intellectually lazy. I can't read it just as "authority is stuffy and bad!" Sure, sometimes it might be something like that, but it's not a universally negative card. It reminds me of the way some decks/authors/artists take a flat and hostile attitude towards the swords suit as a whole, as if intellect = inherently cruel and in direct mutually exclusive opposition to emotions and intuition. But I consider the QoS inspirational, so what do I know?


I've also been reading since I was a kid, and the only iffy card for me is the hierophant. Easier in some decks than others, but the only card I don't have an immediate idea of at a glance.

I think there are some decks that take a very dim view of the the hierophant, which I don't think is fair, or which I find intellectually lazy. I can't read it just as "authority is stuffy and bad!" Sure, sometimes it might be something like that, but it's not a universally negative card. It reminds me of the way some decks/authors/artists take a flat and hostile attitude towards the swords suit as a whole, as if intellect = inherently cruel and in direct mutually exclusive opposition to emotions and intuition. But I consider the QoS inspirational, so what do I know?

You know what's right for you. :)

I agree about the Hierophant. One of my favorite decks still has the Hierophant as a negative figure, the only quibble I have with that deck.

tarot peacock

I used to have problems with Judgement, but I learnt that the cards name was changed for religious purposes. Now I read it as Resurrection (the same as in some of the Egyptian decks)

For me this card means a resurrection of the spirit after some form of depression.

Interestingly, the chariot card in the Monte Faber true love deck, is someone riding a white horse joyously into the night sky. this image cries resurrection to me, so that is what I read it as. Most cards comply to change if you ask them nicely.


Justice. It's very difficult for me in everyday situations... higher perspective, balance all that... it just sounds so clichéd. Thinking about it, I should study some material about Justice :).

Also, I don't get this card often. Maybe that's why I lack a connection to it.