How much does my mood influences tarot?


I would notice that when I am in a very desperate, impatient, overly emotional mood I would get answers I don't want to hear and would be usually very negative.
Maybe I'm attracting ill energies around me that reflect my negative mood and put into the tarot cards..
And the moment I am peaceful, in tocuh with myself and my intuition, the spreads would be generally more positive and wouldn't sugercoat either but it wouldn't make me feel overwhelmed or nervous.
I was asking a question very personal to me but inside I was in a turmoil and I felt negative vibes around me that would give me answers opposite to what I've believed to, because when I would do a reading about that same topic the cards show totally different story..
After I centered myself and calmed down I tried again and got a confirming answer that makes much more sense because of previous spreads.
Has that happened to any of you?
When you're optimistic and balanced do you get the answers you want to hear or it's plain truth?
Thanks x


Inner preparation helpful

I find my emotional, mental state deeply impacts the readings. If I am not centered, balanced inside, I do not get anything helpful. Similar to having conversation with anyone, anything, if I am agitated inside, it is hard for anything helpful to get through.


Has that happened to any of you?

Yes! When I am overwhelmed and in turmoil, it is no use doing a reading for myself. Every card seems like an ill omen or portent of doom. At best, the cards are a crazy, mixed up jumble, as if I have never read the cards a single day of my life.

When you're optimistic and intuitive do you get the answers you want to hear or it's plain truth?
Thanks x

I think it is truth, rather than what I want to hear. Even when I am feeling calm and balanced, I still recognize cards that carry a more negative meaning, but I am more able to make sense of them and understand why they have appeared in the spread.


When you're optimistic and balanced do you get the answers you want to hear or it's plain truth?...

When you are optimistic and balanced - hopefully you will get "true" answers. :) Lol.
It's best to practice always being 'in-balance' mentally when you read - otherwise your emotions will colour your interpretation - which will drive you crazy if reading for yourself and
result in biased readings for others.

Many readers (but not all) have some form of ritual practice which helps to "order their minds"/ "centre" them before they begin. Including myself.


For myself, I usually read when I'm in a neutral state. I don't want my emotions drawing certain cards or affecting how I interpret the cards. if I try reading when I'm stressed or overly emotional, the readings never come out right.


I would notice that when I am in a very desperate, impatient, overly emotional mood I would get answers I don't want to hear and would be usually very negative.
Maybe I'm attracting ill energies around me that reflect my negative mood and put into the tarot cards..
And the moment I am peaceful, in tocuh with myself and my intuition, the spreads would be generally more positive and wouldn't sugercoat either but it wouldn't make me feel overwhelmed or nervous.
I was asking a question very personal to me but inside I was in a turmoil and I felt negative vibes around me that would give me answers opposite to what I've believed to, because when I would do a reading about that same topic the cards show totally different story..
After I centered myself and calmed down I tried again and got a confirming answer that makes much more sense because of previous spreads.
Has that happened to any of you?
When you're optimistic and balanced do you get the answers you want to hear or it's plain truth?
Thanks x

For me personally, I have learnt that I can't read at all unless I am calm and centered. It's something I learnt over time. If I'm not I can't trust the accuracy of my answers. I have learnt not to read unless I am in the proper mind-frame first. Reading is about staying objective and I can't do that when I feel emotional. Thus I can't trust any reading done when emotional to be accurate.

If I am feeling those ways (desperate, emotional, impatient) I have learnt not to read for myself. I then ask a friend to do the reading for me. I have a few good AT friends and we read for each other as needed. OR I meditate a lot and come back and do the reading when I can calm and centered again.

I don't know if it is about attracting bad energies. I don't see it that way. It's not about what is going on outside you imo, but what is going on inside you. For a reading to stay objective you have to not care what answer comes up. If you are desperately wanting one answer over another you may tend to see it when that is not meant to be the real answer. If you fear that something bad might happen you might see THAT in the answer when the answer was meant to be good and positive.

I know I can't read accurately in those kinds of moods. I believe most readers can't. The solution as I see it is to wait to do the reading until you feel calm and at ease and can think purely objectively. OR get someone else to do the reading for you.



I would notice that when I am in a very desperate, impatient, overly emotional mood I would get answers I don't want to hear and would be usually very negative.
Maybe I'm attracting ill energies around me that reflect my negative mood and put into the tarot cards..
And the moment I am peaceful, in tocuh with myself and my intuition, the spreads would be generally more positive and wouldn't sugercoat either but it wouldn't make me feel overwhelmed or nervous.
I was asking a question very personal to me but inside I was in a turmoil and I felt negative vibes around me that would give me answers opposite to what I've believed to, because when I would do a reading about that same topic the cards show totally different story..
After I centered myself and calmed down I tried again and got a confirming answer that makes much more sense because of previous spreads.
Has that happened to any of you?
When you're optimistic and balanced do you get the answers you want to hear or it's plain truth?
Thanks x

Wow.this post below my mind.this is exacly what is happening for me everytime iam so nervous and i do a reading.and then i get all my fears.if i ask about cheating i get all cheat card such as seven of swords and queens or court cards...if i ask about money ofcourse i get a cards about lack of money i understand for reading i really should be calm and empty my mind from everything.thank you so much for this thread...really helpfullllšŸ‘ŒšŸ˜Š


Very much so. It's a known thing. It's why so many people create pre-reading rituals to put themselves in the proper headspace.
I've had to learn to associate shuffling with becoming grounded. Now, sometimes when I'm not feeling mentally well I'll just shuffle cards even if I've no intention of reading.


If I'm too upset, I can't read at all. If it's something minor, reading helps me steady my nerves.