Losing the ability


Also, it's really hard to read for yourself: you have too much backstory in your head and it shouts louder than the quiet whisper of intuition. Try reading for others, it's much easier because you don't live inside their heads, so all you have to do is read the cards and any thoughts that arise from the cards, not thoughts that arise from their lives.


I started learning in the 1970s and I'm still learning. The period of my life where I was probably least skilled was the period when I spent a year or two thinking that I'd actually finished learning about Tarot. Dangerous trap to fall into, that one!

I also started learning in 1972, and I still learn something new every time I read. I only read face-to-face, so interaction with my sitters is where most of the learning opportunities lie, either in sharpening my previous insights or picking up some new subtlety about cards in combination. I also get a lot of mileage out of discussions on this forum. Bottomless curiosity is your friend.