where's Chronata's deck???


where can you find Chronata's deck pics on AT??



here... ;)

It can be easily found with the search option, try to experiment with that a bit, it's fun what it comes up with sometimes! :D

Have fun....

Edited to add... sorry, I just saw you found it :D

Bob Hollister

chronata is currently still having difficulty with production of the limited edition of her deck. She's found a couple of print houses that do cards, but either can't do 4-color, or won't do the size she's looking for. Regardless, if we find a printhouse, or a way to do it here that is to her liking, we will very likely have to take actual pre-orders to make it happen financially.

She's been fretting about getting this deck out quite a bit, stressing herself out, and that's not really helping the situation. I continually try to convince her to relax, take a breath, and then continue. POSITIVE reinforcement would probably be a good thing, at this point. Please be encouraging, but not too nagging. I love her, you know, and am willing to yell at people for giving her a hassle. I'm just sayin'.

Honestly, though, she and I both appreciate the support and love that you guys give her while she works on this and other projects. Thanks.

p.s. She's out of town. She'll be back home tomorrow.




What a nice post. Chronata definetly needs to de-stress about this. As my unlamented ex used to say "It ain't my wife and it ain't my life."

Sure, she wants to satisfy those thousands of fans panting for her deck. But...consider....waiting for presents is half the fun of getting them.

Or, she could console herself with the thought that she HAS fans. She's in a better place fussing about the edition than if no one was interested.

It is a lovely deck, btw. Both you and she should be proud.

wizzle the-glass-is-half-full fool