Looking for Astrological calendar


I'm working on a sort of workbook for the upcoming year (starting on solstice) and am trying to find astrological information for each day. I don't want to buy a llewellyn calendar just so I can copy the information out (call me cheap). Does anyone know of an online source? I'm looking for

Moon phase
. . .

you get the idea.


Yall rock


Love and light


Hi Cheap (well, you said to call you Cheap!)

If you get around to sneeking into bookstores and copying information from books in the store, I wanted to let you know there is an alternative to Llewellyn's books. I buy one right from your neck of the woods (Oregon) called "Jim Maynard's Pocket Astrologer." He also has a wall calendar. The style is just a bit different and there is certainly nothing wrong with Llewelleyn, and in fact, I've probably already financed Carl Weschcke's recent vacation to the Bahamas, with all the book I've bought from his company over the years.

You can contact the publishers of this astrologer's guide at:

Quicksilver Productions, PO Box 340, Ashland, OR 97520.

Tel # 541-482-5343

Besides, if you ever decide to buy one, you can pay state sales tax for your own state even! ;)



I'll look into it... I am going down to Powells (worlds best bookstore) on friday before pagan night out.

Oh and in Oregon we don't have state sales tax. Yay us!

I love this place.