Timing Method: does it -always- work for you?


I have a little book by Jonathan Dee and it has a section on timing.
Cups are days
Wands are weeks
Swords are months
Pentacles are years.
Some majors have seasons or festivals associated, moon can be a month, or moon phase, star is Christmas etc. Any time you associated with a card is relevant.
He suggests that in a reading, the minor card preceding the last major is the timing.


From what I can see, a lot of people use a system where every suit represent either weeks, months, days or even years.

I am still very surprised that using a timing method works for some people, but not for others... For me, it seems to do not work at all lately! But my self readings are at least insightful and the predictions accurate (except for timings!)


I have a little book by Jonathan Dee and it has a section on timing.
Cups are days
Wands are weeks
Swords are months
Pentacles are years.
Some majors have seasons or festivals associated, moon can be a month, or moon phase, star is Christmas etc. Any time you associated with a card is relevant.
He suggests that in a reading, the minor card preceding the last major is the timing.

I haven't seen that approach. Intuitively, though, it seems that Fire - being close to Spirit - would be fastest, Air next, then Water and finally Earth, simply because of the relative density of the elemental energies involved. Does Dee have a fall-back for timing in spreads that contain no Major Arcana? It seems to happen more often than might be expected.