"Know Thy Self" Spread (3 Cards) - Inspired by The Matrix

Glass Owl

"Know Thy Self" Spread (3 Cards) by Glass Owl

The Oracle's plaque (as well as her conversation with Neo in the kitchen) inspired me to come up with this spread. If doing a reading based on this spread gives you "bad news" I suggest you eat a cookie afterwards so you'll "feel right as rain." Enjoy!


1. Who am I?
2. What do I not know about myself that I should?
3. What I can I do to get more in touch with the real me?

The phrase "Know Thy Self" is steeped in history. According to Wikipedia:

The Ancient Greek aphorism "Know thyself" was inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi - according to the Greek periegetic (travelogue) writer Pausanias (10.24.1).

In Latin, the aphorism is generally given as "nosce te ipsum". The Latin version of the aphorism is written on a plaque above the Oracle's door in the Matrix film series, where it is rendered in a non-traditional Latin; that is to say temet nosce ("thine own self thou must know") translated in the Matrix as "know thyself".

The aphorism has been attributed to at least six ancient Greek sages:

* Chilon of Sparta (Chilon I 63, 25)
* Heraclitus
* Pythagoras
* Socrates
* Solon of Athens
* Thales of Miletus

Other sources attribute it to Phemonoe, a mythical Greek poetess. In a discussion of moderation and self-awareness, the Roman poet Juvenal quotes the phrase in Greek and states that the precept descended de caelo (from heaven) (Satire 11.27).

The authenticity of all such attributions has been doubted; according to one pair of modern scholars, "The actual authorship of the three maxims set up on the Delphian temple may be left uncertain. Most likely they were popular proverbs, which tended later to be attributed to particular sages.


oooh, good one. I think I'll use this in the Faery Seekers Circle.


Gnothi Seauton...I have had that as my email signature, on my IM status, and I believe I had it on here for a while.

Glass Owl

While working with this spread, I found myself changing the layout of the cards. So here is another layout. Feel free to use whichever one you prefer.



I'm gonna try this one out. I like the second layout better, makes more sense.