judgment rx benefits


i've been reading on the meaning of this card.
the thing about it being about not letting go and moving on applies to me perfectly.
but a lot of people always seemed to add, "you want to follow the path of the upright"

i'm just wondering, can the reversed ever have a positive meaning
in other words can not letting go ever be positive, can holding on be a good thing.

or would the upright generally be the preferred direction to take.


Depends on what you're holding on to, not wanting to let go of. Does it give you real hope (not false hope) is it helping you heal and grow or is it keeping you from doing those things? Holding on to strong spiritual beliefs can be a great thing, holding on to a toxic relationship not so much.

Ace of Stars

I could see Judgement rx as saying, "Things are good like they are. Just chill, enjoy what you have. There's no need to be focused on constant growth and development."

I just finished Martha Beck's book, "Finding Your Own North Star" and Judgement rx kind of makes me think of her Square 4 -- where you've made a lot of changes, have found success, and now need to sloooow down and enjoy what you've accomplished.

Sometimes we get into a growth mind-set where we always want to develop, progress, expand... but maybe sometimes we have to acknowledge the perfection of the current moment and ourselves just as we are, right now.


Judgement Rx would indicate to me incubation. That period of time where the person knows logically what they need to do but is not yet ready to fully commit to that course of action. It's not been my experience that someone moving on before they are really convinced it's the right thing to do is very positive. They tend to back down on their decision and then that can have a detrimental effect on their ability to trust their own judgement.

So yes, holding on can be positive. If it means you move forward from a place of being absolutely convinced it is the right course of action, rather than move forward filled with doubts and what if's, then it can all be worth it.


i've been reading on the meaning of this card.
the thing about it being about not letting go and moving on applies to me perfectly.
but a lot of people always seemed to add, "you want to follow the path of the upright"

i'm just wondering, can the reversed ever have a positive meaning
in other words can not letting go ever be positive, can holding on be a good thing.

or would the upright generally be the preferred direction to take.

The benifits is knowing that you are not emotionally or spiritually ready to go forward, confusion is the main theme of reversed judgement for me. There is no calling or direction.


Judgement Rx would indicate to me incubation. That period of time where the person knows logically what they need to do but is not yet ready to fully commit to that course of action. It's not been my experience that someone moving on before they are really convinced it's the right thing to do is very positive. They tend to back down on their decision and then that can have a detrimental effect on their ability to trust their own judgement.

So yes, holding on can be positive. If it means you move forward from a place of being absolutely convinced it is the right course of action, rather than move forward filled with doubts and what if's, then it can all be worth it.

this one makes the most sense to me for my personal reading