a garden of pomegranates (skrying on the tree of life)by israel regardie


any feedback or thoughts or reviews ?


i got it but haven't had time to read it yet. why don't you start us off with giving us your review Holmes?


An excellent book which I would highly recommend to anyone interested in the Qabalah from especially Golden Dawn perspective, but also to anyone interested in seeing how the Kabbalah is/has been used in more recent times by non-Jewish traditions.

It has been many years since I have read it, but includes, if my memory serves me right, that so important level of understanding Notariqon-ed to PaRDeS.


Another one of my favorites. I have one of the earlier editions, a thin little book with the words all scrunched together. The most recent edition put out by the Ciceros is sure to be a little easier to read. Israel Regardie is a personal hero of mine, I've mentioned elsewhere on Aeclectic. I don't think you would steer wrong with this book.

In fact, if you buy it Holmes, I'd love to discuss it with you and anyone else.
