Your favourite...



I'm interested in hearing if people have one spread that they tend to always fall back on- sort of a favourite or one that works well for you.

I'm wondering because I find that when I try new spreads it takes me several (and I mean several) tries to make it work, but if I go back to one of the 'Oldy but Goodies' I don't have a problem...

Has anybody else found this?



I love trying out new spreads, some of them work like a charm the first time round and others tend to keep me waiting. I guess that is just the charm by trying.

The ones I usually do when wanting something I know works for me, I use my own spread page.

since I have written them, done worksheets on them and moved them around a lot, done readings with them - I know them by heart. And mind you, I did say written, NOT evented, that credit goes out to all of you who shares your own creations ;-) (hint hint)


Umbrae's Horseshoe Spread

There's a spread I learned from a post by Umbrae that is his variation of the horseshoe spread that has become my favourite. It is a spread that can seem daunting at first, because there are two cards at the seven positions, but boy, does this spread ever deliver. Check out . Two cards are drawn from the deck, the first of the two is occluded by the second. The occluded card is the hidden or internal influence. The top card is the external influence. The two cards are read together. Here's an example of a reading I did for myself last night. I've just made a major change in my professional life. The first two cards in the Recent Past position were the Tower occluding Fortune (Thoth Deck). Now, without the Fortune card, it would be obvious to see how my entire life has been turned upside down by this change, how I have turned away from security and 'old institutions' that no longer gave me satisfaction. But with the Fortune card, I can clearly see that I have chosen to follow my fate, that I am aware of my destiny and have allowed it to take shape. Another example. There is a position called hopes and fears or internal influence. The outer card was the 8 of Wands, which in the Toth deck is all about inspiration, innovation, new business ideas, etc., all the stuff I hope is going to happen, but the occluded card was the 8 of Disks, basically the 8 of Wands opposite, telling me that with all this great creative activity, I still have to maintain an inner patience, I have to let the ideas have room to grow, that I have to resist the fear of letting something be. So, that's my long-winded spiel on Umbrae's Horseshoe spread, a spread that Umbrae suggests is not for the beginner, but one that I would check out and see if you want to give it a try.



I used to use the CC a lot, esp. when I didn't have a specific question. Now I either use the 5-card spread in Robin Wood's LWB, or a simple 3-card spread just off the top of my head. Otherwise, I like using the bird power spread, or my own new Silver Star spread.


my favourite is, always has been, always will be, the CC...but i've modified it for ME, and now it is MY CC...:D

sure i love other spreads, especially the horseshoe lawguy mentioned...but the CC does it for me...

many blessings,



Umbrae's relationship spread (10 cards, 2 people with 3 cards each, center column with 4) is definitely one of my faves. I found it the 1st couple days I joined here and found that it works. Its just a great spread.


A favorite spread? Hmmm.... Well... I guess the one I use the most is a 5-card Past-Present-Future. I find this to be especially effective for general readings without a specific question, though it also works very well with more specific readings. When I need a much more in-depth reading on a question, I'll use a Celtic Cross - as azuremariposa mentioned, I've also modified it to fit my own needs. I also use a couple of 3-card readings, as well as a 9-card one I made up a while back...


rowan said:

I'm wondering because I find that when I try new spreads it takes me several (and I mean several) tries to make it work, but if I go back to one of the 'Oldy but Goodies' I don't have a problem...

Hi Rowan!

I have several that are my "tried and true" friends. The Celtic Cross is the first one I learned and the one I read the most easily. Sometimes I think I could do that one in my sleep. Of course, my positions vary from some of the CC spreads I have seen. (hmm... that might make for an interesting discussion if it hasn't already!)

But I like the Past Present Future three card spread and the Aces Yes/No as well.

Really depends on the question, I guess, for me.


One of my favorite spreads is the Great Spiral, only I modified the position meanings to:

1. Spiritual
2. Intellectual
3. Physical

4. Significant Impact
5. What to leave behind
6. What to bring ahead

7. Weakness (shadow)
8. Strength (light)
9. Goal

10. What will be resolved
11. What will be initiated
12. Direction (or help, if 11. is problematic)


The Four Seasons Spread

I use Ellen Cannon Reed's Four Seasons spread from her book "The Witches Tarot," which is an 8 card spread her husband devised. It seems a bit confusing at first, because the cards are not read in the same pattern that they are laid out, but this spread really does work, I swear :D. It is worth the mild grief of learning it initially.

The Four Seasons Spread (by Ellen Cannon Reed):

Eight cards are laid out in a circle, with card one being on the left hand side (The spring card), card two just above it, three at the apex of the circle (the summer card), four on the right hand side just below three, card five positioned opposite card one (The autumn card), six below five, seven is opposite card three at the bottom of the circle (the winter card), and eight falls between one and seven. (If someone can make this into a usable diagram pleeeeeeeze do! My lame attempts have failed so far to format it properly so that it comes out in the post correctly.)

Position One, the Spring: This is is the heart of the matter, where everything begins; the seeds of the present and the future are sown here

Position Eight: Comment or modifier for the Spring card. Just gives more information or comments on the situation.

Position Three, the Summer: How the seeds planted in the spring are coming into fruition; how they are growing, and what they're growing into.

Position Two: Comment or modifier for the Summer card.

Position Five, the Autumn: The matter brought wholly into fruition. What is the ultimate harvest of the seeds planted in the spring.

Position Four: Comment or modifier for the Autumn card.

Position Seven, the Winter: What should be learned from the matter and/or what action should be taken.

Position Six: Comment or modifier for the Winter card.

You can continue to draw comment cards on each of the seasons until you're satisfied of course.

It may really seem rococo at first, but once you've worked through it one time, everything falls into place, I ***swear***, lol.

I love this spread because it just makes intuitive sense to me to see most situations this way, as having a root cause that can be traced through it's growth to its final outcome. I also love it because I can actually remember all the positions, as opposed to my luck with the Celtic Cross. I know that some folks looooove the CC, with good reasons I think, but I could just never remember all the meanings of all the positions, and so I abandoned it for good a few months ago.

Good luck!