Russian Meanings




Warning card. Destruction. Time to make important decisions.

Be cautious - there is fate around you.
The sword of time is sharp - do not overlook it.
When fate puts honey in your mouth, beware - do not eat: it mixes sweet with poison!
(Omar Khayyam)

This card is most of all about prevention. Wisdom and careful preparation will help you to successfully confront a serious danger. It's a scary card, meaning there is a possibility of an accident, trauma or similar. The card portends danger that can be avoided if surrounding cards are positive. The misfortunate event can be overcome, if the querent is warned and listens to his intuition. Sometimes it means a conflict, the end of relations with someone, a break up. Away from the significator advices the querent to avoid risky aistuations or harsh quarrels.
In health the Scythe is a symbol of birth and death. It's the end of life as a seed which, in turn, provides an opportunity for growth. Scythe is also the essence of time (a chain of events). Time is ripe for a decision. On the spiritual plane the appearance of this card can mean council, that we must act decisively and take the bull by the horns.
Neighboring cards give information about the nature of the hazard or decision to be made.




Punishment. Discord.

This map indicates a possible punishment. Whip warns about conflict and disharmony, especially within the family or close environment. It can also help distinguish good from evil in terms of higher justice.
Be very careful in your dealings, negotiations and conversations.
Discord. This may be a dispute "between fathers and children," family conflict and
lack of understanding in a relationship, a quarrel between former associates.
If Whip is next to the significator, it may indicate internal problems, unreliable friendships,
unfortunate love affair and unstable marriage. As a more general meaning - review
of old agreements or being fired (the "new broom"), changing business environment, work
or life.
Near the tree can mean a disease.
Rod mainly means disputes and quarrels. It destroys the comfort in the house, allowing the love to fade, and sows the seeds of discord between close people. Otherwise, the card predicts a long and severe illness with high temperature.
Whip is not a heavy load or burden but is a symbol of punishment and torment.
You will be faced with very heavy demands and expectations.
Torment and discomfort of physical or psychological nature.
You must be ready to stand up for your own interests.
Endless and tiresome discussions and debates, demoralizing you and challenging you courage.
May indicate a chronic illness, weakness, a loss of energy, and to cause you pain. In addition, the card warns about fever, which won't be easy to deal with.
You may experience punishment. Pay special attention to your debts, maintain proper financial discipline. Make sure you parked your car properly and don't speed.
If the Whip is in the past position, then your parent's house was not a secure and pleasant environment and you shattered your psyche while living there.
If the is above or below the significator, it indicates long-term debilitating illness or a crash in the domestic circle.
If the card is in a future position, then the querent should be very careful regarding upcoming troubles and quarrels.
Noticing any negative developments, take measures to prevent them, otherwise the consequences could be unpredictable.




Everyday difficulties. The process of learning.

Owl is another complex symbol, just like the Snake. It's a symbol of the night vision, insight and wisdom. Because owl is afraid of daylight and flies out only at dusk or
at night, lives mainly in the old and ruined buildings or dense forests, ancient peoples have always attributed to him demonic nature. Owl was once a symbol of devastation and misery. In the legends he is equivalent of the bat as a symbol of the mysterious night gatherings of forces unknown to mortals. The owl is also known as the witch bird, it is present in the coven, and witches wear as jewelry owl feathers in their hair.
Gypsies, nomadic in Burgundy and Savoy, had a legend that an owl feather was worn by people "who run hither at night and want to get rid of their fear of darkness." Hence the owl was obviously a symbol of the ability not to fear and to move freely even in the dark, to be initiated in the secrets usually hidden from mortals. But over time, in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, superstition attributed to owl demonic forces. It is worth to know that
Owl is the symbol of Minerva (Athena Palada) - the great warrior goddess of antiquity, born by Zeus himself and goddess of wisdom. Owl was also the sacred bird of the sorceress Calypso who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years. She is also the symbol of Thiele
Eulenspiegel - merry prankster, a character from popular medieval stories, who wandered the world, ridiculing and mocking at stupidity, ignorance and superstition. According to the laws of Moses owl is a bird impure.
In the Russian tradition owl is a mysterious bird, night creature, a widow, Madame Forest. Guards unseen treasures. Councilor of the goblins.
"Black thoughts like flies won't let me rest all day."
Disturbing thoughts, uneasiness, restless mind. But as the owl is a symbol of wisdom, your thoughts are not going in vain and your tormented mind is in fact fertile - these troublesome thoughts will help you better understand yourself, your situation, and thus to look at the problems in a wiser way. This card indicates difficulties or problems of short
duration. The querent should be advised to notlose sight of their goal and to not succumb to the negativity of the moment.
This card advises you not to give up. It calls for an enthusiastic approach to challenge the situation, be prepared to learn, to overcome fears of the unknown and feel free to continue your journey. Neighboring cards provide information about what or who will be useful or will interfere during this journey.

with the Tree - it is necessary to pay attention to your health; even if there are no visible signs disease, don't be lazy and get tested;
with the Garden/Park - misunderstanding among friends, a sense of boredom, "I've had enough of you" attitude;
with the Mountain - before making a decision, weigh all the "pros" and
"cons", perhaps you forgot to take into account the most important thing;
with the Lily - a dubious reputation.




Beginning. Trust. A pleasant surprise.

The child symbolizes the beginning of the road and the abundance of opportunities in life. This card promises the realization of existing potential, provided there is openness to new ideas.
The child has something innocent and heavenly in it. You will find everything clear
and kind, if you look at the world without prejudice, as a child.
The beginning, the first steps towards a fresh perception, but also the immaturity of the mind and soul: "Full steam ahead." This card can also be a call for simplicity: "Do and be like
the children. "
Favorable card, which means trust, tenderness, harmony, relationship. This card symbolizes the respect of friends. It means that the querent is a gentle and kind person. For women, especially in proximity to the Stork or other beneficial cards - the birth of a child.
A more common meaning - the emergence of something new in life, a good start but there is a lot of time before any completion takes place. If you have been impatient about something, the Child says there is still lng wait ahead.
Next to unfavorable cards - too much naivety and gullibility.

with the Heart - indicates admirer;
with the Ring - it may be a new relationship or a new attachment to a child;
with the Mice- the child grows, and thus can leave the house soon;
with the Stork - pregnancy, ambition and new plans in business matters.




Warning card. Deception. Intrigue. Lie.

Study the character of another, so you do not have to hate him. (Horace)

Fox is the personification of lie and deceit, the symbol of fire. In ancient pagan traditions evil spirits often took an image of a fox. This animal was attributed the special gift of sensual seduction and part of the foxes' bodies was used to prepare trouble-free love
Fox is a well known liar, so beware. You, as the querent, may want to cheat, possibly just about little things, even without benefit to yourself, out of pure desire to amuse
yourself or your friends. The situations described by this card, however, are tricky and secretive.
Be cunning. Be prepared for all sorts of traps. "Love your neighbor, but do not let
him deceit you," says the card, along with Prutkov.
Fox represents cunning, evil and lies. This is the archetypal image of agility. Foxes are always watching you behind the trees, they are great listeners and know how to keep their mouth shut. Take a look around: you can easily fall into a trap if you're not like a fox. Look carefully at the surrounding cards: they will tell who and how is trying to deceive you.

with the Child - clumsy flattery;
with the Park/Garden - you are wrong about the unselfishness of your friends;
with the Key - the disclosure of a fraud, a revelation;
with the Tree - hard to diagnose disease, medical error;
with the Dog - a betrayal of an old friend;
with the Letter - fake documents.




Power. Nobility. Dignity.

This card signifies strength used in service to higher goals. The Slavs, in particular, were convinced that the bear spared the weak. Common belief is that if a hunter or a woman, out in the woods for berries or mushrooms, encounter a bear, they only need to throw themselves on the ground and the bear will leave them alone. The bear is a symbol of nobility, susceptible to broad gestures of kindness to the weak.
In ancient mythology the bear was a clumsy, kind animal, the knower of the forest, the master of nature.
Bear is big and strong. And this power can make it extremely dangerous.
Try not to irritate her.
Typically, the Bear card heralds good luck. It also encourages you to be more diplomatic with someone jealous or a potential rival.
Surrounding cards will tell if it's your own strength or a strong patron. You are on the right track, you can force circumstances or specific people to go your way.
In the environment of unfavorable cards can mean a sham due to suspicion and envy. It warns the querent that others want to deceive them. Keep this in mind and look closely at the surrounding cards - motives are usually anger and jealousy. You need to take a closer look at the people around you. Some of them may fail and betray you at the most important moment. Avoid revealing your plans or answering questions about the details of your personal life. Nothing bad will happen if you keep your secrets to yourself.

with the Bouquet - a generous gift;
with the Fish - a major sponsorship, patronage;
with the Scythe or Whip/Broom - "misservice" - better do not rely on offered assistance;
with the House - influential parents;
with the Tree - good health, which is a basis for longevity;
with the Snake - the offered assistance is not sincere, double play.




Achievement. Inspiration. Lucky card.

As a source of light in the night sky, the stars are a symbol of the Spiritual
light that penetrates the darkness. Many of your plans are under a happy star. You feel inspired and success comes to you. Your artistic talent and creative inspiration grows and develops. But beware of the "fame disease." Ask yourself aren't you aiming at too high of ideals?
In general, a neutral card, more on the positive side, this card portends a repetition of synchronistic events or experiences. With favorable cards - a series of successes, with unfavorable - series of failures, mistakes, unfortunate coincidences.
Away from the significator speaks only that the querent should carry on with his plans.

with the Bouquet - your intuition will soon play an important role;
with the Fish - an increase in material prosperity, more money;
with the Book - literary ability and talent;
with the Fox - false ideals, delusions;
with the Park/Garden - a wide circle of friends;
with the Ring - a good agreement or a happy marriage.





Storks represent the change because it is a migratory bird returning and moving each year. The card symbolizes the creative processes and cycles of fertility. Storks can bring good news, to symbolize the important changes in our lives. Storks are also considered to be a sign of happiness and loving nest. The image of the bird is closely associated with such eternal values ​​as the family hearth and the home. He may indicate allegiance to the principles of moral, adherence to tradition.
The Jews thought the bird was beautiful views but impure because it feeds on frogs and
insects. However, the fact that storks destroy dangerous snakes caused people to respect and welcome this bird.
Surrounded by negative cards may indicate changes for the worse.

with the House - renovations or move of a house;
with the Child or Moon - birth, pregnancy;
with the Stars - successful changes, plans will be fruitful;
with the Ring - a wedding or a long expected guest;
with the Tower - stable family and good family support;
with the Park/Garden - friends will visit;
with the Letter - important news will cause change of plans;
with the Ship - move at great distance.




Friendship. Trust.

Friendship increases happiness and eases misery offering sympathy and assistance.

The dog is a symbol of loyalty and courage. The proverbial dog friendship makes it a symbol of constancy, assistance and protection, especially for women and children. The base meaning is protection, reliability, self-sacrifice, altruism, an action motivated by love.
The dog is a true friend or a reliable partner, which you always can rely on. This card shows a true and lasting friendship. Can symbolize the successful outcome of the plans you have. It is also something or someone well known, the well known old, the comforting past against the unknown and insecure future.
In an environment of favorable cards means good luck.
In an environment of unfavorable cards - unreliable friends, doubtful success.

with the Lily - friendly relations within the family;
with the Stars - serving a high ideal, religion;
with the Heart - a deep, kind and honest friendship;
with the Tree - a lifelong friendship;
with the Rider - help from a distance or after a certain period of waiting;
with the House - you put family above personal interests, you take care of everything at home but this is not always good - try not to let others use you;
with the Mountain - a strong resistance in the relationship;

Dog rarely speaks of trouble. "The dog is biting only for the dog's life."
Dog could portend trouble:
with the Snake - treachery or deception by those who call themselves friends;
with the Coffin - the end of a significant relationship or loss of a close friend;
with the Scythe - you risk becoming a victim of jealousy;
with the Fox - a close friend deceiting you;
with the Broom - be careful, you can have a quarrel with a friend;
with the Clouds - do not rely on someone else's help, it is in your best interest to rely only on yourself.




The course of life. Outcome. The life style.

The result of a long time work or effort, or even of a lifetime.
Stability, the stable foundation of the current situation.
As a place of isolated from the world, the tower symbolizes the philosophical thought.
Details of the life and the general direction of life's development. Typically, this card predicts longevity and happiness even in difficult times. However, much depends on
the surrounding cards.

with the Ring - possibility of divorce;
with the Coffin - requires prevention of disease;
with the Mountain - selfishness;
with the Clouds - slight deterioration in health can be expected.

Whatever lies between the Tower and the Snake, signifies the mother of the querent.
If the Tower is next to the significator, the result is close. In environment of favorable cards means a good, strong position, stable health and welfare.
In an unfavorable environment has the opposite meaning - disease, lack of power, lack of stable foundation for growth. Failure of completion.