The World as Feelings


Can it also show that the cycle has completed. That's its not a stagnant all happy feeling, but more like; so you ahve run your course. It's better to start something new as this has been fullfilling but close to end. Or is it the circle of happiness and contentment ongoing?


sitna said:
Can it also show that the cycle has completed. That's its not a stagnant all happy feeling, but more like; so you ahve run your course. It's better to start something new as this has been fullfilling but close to end. Or is it the circle of happiness and contentment ongoing?
That's my question, too! But everyone so far seems to agree it's really positive feelings.



World also indicates "joining together", therefore being happy with the other person as the person in question feels "fulfilled".


I'm surprised no one sees The World as feeling like you're "over" it's over, done, complete, no more feelings.

Am I the only who sees that with this card?



GoddessArtemis said:
Am I the only who sees that with this card?
That's a very Viscon ti way of looking at the card, but no, youre not.

Personally, in modern decks I see it as the "happy ending": graduation for a student, completing a contract for a businessman, the last tradesman leaving when you're building your house.


amateur said:
Another thought...They want to live with you, move in with you??????

that's a new way of looking at it i wouldn't have considered. thumbs up :)


I see it as a completion of one level so you can go onto a new level. like leaving one job to get one that will advance you further. in a relationship taking the next step in advancement of that relationship. The world rarely if ever says stopped, done, complete not need to do more or over to me.
feeling happy and complete with things. Fulfilled like willowfox said. to sound kind of lame "You complete me".


On it's own i would interpret it to be positive attainment, fulfillment and completion. However in a spread i would be looking to surrounding cards if they were negative, then i would maybe see the world as a negative type feeling with "Being over"


littlestar said:
On it's own i would interpret it to be positive attainment, fulfillment and completion. However in a spread i would be looking to surrounding cards if they were negative, then i would maybe see the world as a negative type feeling with "Being over"
Actually, that's a good point...and the cards in the spread on either side (but not pertaining to feelings) were positive: Magician-The World-9 of Cups. :)

My favorite, though, is "you complete me"; it's so....Jerry McGuire. :)



Sometimes I cant understand why people see the world as 'over'. THe world is a circle, it never stops spinning, rotating, revolving...sometimes I see it as 'loose ends being tied up', as a lot of the time on the World cards there's a sash or something surrounding the World, which means that anything that needed to be cleared up from the past has been, and now you guys can continue how you like. Whether or not that means its over, or going to get way better, is totally up to you.

However, depending on the context and the other cards, this is probably one of the best cards you can get for 'how he feels about you.' Unless this is a friend and you guys were arguing, and you finally put all that stuff behind you to rest. Then the world could just be showing his feelings of satisfaction at everything being sorted out. Yah know?