Some cards of Housewives tarot...confusing!


9 of swords -- It's about paranoia. That's why it's very "Bates Motel" looking. "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you." Sometimes a mother-in-law's helpful advice can seem like ruthless criticism, depends on how it's given and how it's received. Maybe we're building it all up in our heads...maybe not. It's worth considering, anyway, how our own thoughts and expectations are playing into our feelings of persecution.

7 of wands -- cleaning a bathroom with toothbrushes is a typical boot camp punishment. It's meant to be challenging and yes, overwhelming. The 7 of wands in this deck points to a situation in which the querant does not feel up to the challenge and is faced with feeling unequipped for the task ahead. It really doesn't matter if there are seven toothbrushes or just one, they simply aren't the tool for the job.



Thirteen said:
I have this deck so maybe I can help--though I find some images equally odd.

The Tower image, I think, reflects the 50's housewife's reliance on the jello mold to wow guests and make her party or dinner a success. Thus, reliance on something that may be false, won't last, is sugar and water, has no substance...seeing that jello mold, as in the picture, as your "tower of strenght"--holding you up, when it really can't.


That jello mold is going to tumble over at any moment, and probably just when she gets out of the kitchin and is placing it on the table for her guests. ;p Poor woman. Worked so hard on that mold, only to have it topple over. What to do but to start over again, this time with a different recipe, one that holds up! ;) Would help if she doesnt stand on top of it either. hahaha!

Emperor... ahh! Chef Boyardee! He is the Emperior personified!

The collection of knives in the 9 of swords.. maybe a collection of her assorted fears (including fear of evil mother-in-law, or perhaps bitchy neighbor. You know.. the one that tells you she will have the city cut down your tree because the sappling is ruining her car's finish ;p) that she keeps tucked away from the world but gets out and frets over privately.

I ADORE this deck! :) It's my #1 favorite.


MercyMe said:
7 of wands -- cleaning a bathroom with toothbrushes is a typical boot camp punishment. It's meant to be challenging and yes, overwhelming. The 7 of wands in this deck points to a situation in which the querant does not feel up to the challenge and is faced with feeling unequipped for the task ahead. It really doesn't matter if there are seven toothbrushes or just one, they simply aren't the tool for the job.


That's how I see the 7 of wands too. Boot camp punishment (cleaning toilet with a toothbrush).


7 of Wands is usually defending yourself and your ideas against others. I think this card might indicate the housewife making her stand, making sure every last stain is gone, every thing sparkles with cleanness in defense of her housewifery abilities.

This card says, "I will go to any lengths to prove my house is the cleanest and I, therefore, am the best housewife!"

Perhaps, rather than a bootcamp punishment, it's more obsession? Normal scrubbing of the toilet is not enough; she's gone at the tiny stains, that no one else seems to see, with a toothbrush? Perhaps, like some such housewives, she's even saying to others who might protest that she's gone too far: "You're not doing enough! Look at how my home gleams by compare!"


The Tower

I think that the Tower due to the basic nature of Jello shows that it can come crashing down at any time. Also it's see through. Not the best thing as a skirt honey people can see your weakness like the jello. The devil card cake is much stronger })


The Emperor

raeanne said:
Hi all,
The Emperor could also show the "Corporate logo" as the ultimate ruler. "You're not cooking unless you're cooking with Taro." (Yes, I know in the real commercial it was "cooking with Crisco" but Taro is pronounced like tarot and really works in this image.) I remember being a kid in the 50s and if your parents didn't buy such-and-such product, you were like NOT hip, daddy-o.

I think that is a great way of looking at it. There can be something so comfiting in brand name food. It can take you back to being a kid. "Just like my mama used to make" which I think can illustrate the softer side of the Emperor.


Emeraldgirl said:
I think that the Tower due to the basic nature of Jello shows that it can come crashing down at any time. Also it's see through. Not the best thing as a skirt honey people can see your weakness like the jello. The devil card cake is much stronger })

And looks like it tastes better too })
Such a temptation!

I guess it'll take for a me a bit more study to see it like the Housewives do because i'm not a housewife yet (waaaaay too young). But your insights were surely great...will help me a lot when i start doing my reading with the deck (that will take still a long time to arrive but we wait, oh we wait).

More info on these cards, or any others you think might have a confusing imagery, is welcome. I just started, you guys can go beyond :)

:TPW Yuko


The Emporer, to me, brings me the memory of the man being the breadwinner of the house and giving the wife only an allowance to barely cover the groceries she needed. In fact, some men didn't even give her an allowance at all and actually went to the store with her and controlled what she bought and wouldn't let her buy things she didn't "need". Canned goods were considered a cowards way out by some men because they saved the woman from slaving in the kitchen to cook and can home grown foods, whice saved money, so this guy is a very benevolent Emporer in "providing" his wife with canned foods. Very progressive thinking and indulgent of his wife, this Emporer. I grew up during the 50's and was a newlywed in the early 60's, so at first this deck was almost a turn-off to me. I had married one of the guys who expected me slaving in the kitchen.

Once I asked this hubby of mine if I could have some money to go to town with my aunt who had invited me out shopping with her. He said "what for?" I said, "Well, I just wanted to be able to have a little money to buy a coke or something while we're out shopping or if I see something I want." He gave me a quarter! I lasted 13 years with that guy and then finally got the courage to say "sayonara!" I had to raise my garden and can the produce, but he wouldn't even buy me modern canning jars------we had the old glass topped, wire bail kind with rubber rings that his grandmother had used, so that's what I bungled along with. His philosophy was that if something still worked, there wasn't any need to get anything else. Boy do I remember those days! LOL