which major arcana stands for this time of your life...?


...and for how long have you been in that stage?

Considering the major arcana as The Fool's Journey in which each card stands for one stage of that journey... which card would you choose which best reflects what you are living and learning withing the last months -or even years?

How long would you say you have been in that stage for?

Which card (stage) do you think was the previous one, that is, the one which best represents a previous, definitely different time in your life?

Can you guess which card (stage) will be the next one?

You can give reasons, only if you wish, of course, or just a couple of general "thoughts" of why you choose those cards. Or nothing at all. Just picking up the cards, I think will be invaluable from a statistic point of view...

In my case, I have been in the Hermit stage for the last 2 years or so. Previous to that, I was in the Hanged man (after struggling with a physical problem in my hand I decided to give up my music career, so I was without knowing what to do with my life... blocked). So I entered a period of identity crisis, and searching all the answers (that's why I chose the Hermit, interestingly enough, I discovered Tarot by then, about two years ago)

And trying to close that chapter in my life, several months ago I moved to another city in another country, to start from scratch. With the hope of entering in the Death stage (ah, the Death, one of my favourite cards...) or the Wheel... Instead of that, for the time being I'm getting deeper in this Hermit stage, what is being good, because I'm finding answers...

This is my second post... in more than one year! I will write more often from now on...



GREAT question. Gotta think about it.


I got mine from Mary's book Tarot Constellations by adding my birth date and year. It seems to be accurate for me. I'm not sure I have the book here, I'm moving and I already packed up the books. I can tell you more later if you really want to know. :D

I think whatever works for you is fine. You know your life better than anyone else.


I think nexus6 is asking what we think of as our journey right now, not the numerological one. I just lost my mother, so for me right now, there is a huge shift going on. It would be easy to say Death, but that isn't really it. Because what I find myself thinking about is the way I want to live the rest of my own life!

As a mother, a reader, a wife, a woman, all of that. I'm thinking about my diet, my health so many different things, but it all comes back to the way I want to live my life! So I'm sort of struggling because there is grief too. Enormous grief about my mother passing. My whole system is jangled over it. Energetically I feel a bit left of center. So I need to really stay grounded right now, except I feel that everything is really scattered.

So part of me is thinking Hanged Man, and another part of me is thinking Empress. And still another part of me is thinking Wheel and another is thinking World!

I need more time! ;)


I think that life is much too complex to be just in one minor stage as represented by a major, most people have many issues going on at the same time, many stages all interwoven. The cards represent the many facets of our daily lives, so no one card can be said to be the way our life is at that time. Using only one card would be far too simplistic.


Ok so I'm all the ones I just said....thanks willowfox!

But not sure I totally agree...each card can be very complex, the given meanings most of us assign to the majors is really only the tip of the iceberg. So, really, while it may take more than one card to capture the whole of a life, one card is also all that one might actually need.

6 Haunted Days

The Tower. About 5 weeks.


willowfox said:
I think that life is much too complex to be just in one minor stage as represented by a major, most people have many issues going on at the same time, many stages all interwoven. The cards represent the many facets of our daily lives, so no one card can be said to be the way our life is at that time. Using only one card would be far too simplistic.

I tend to agree with you, willowfox. And what about reversals?

If I had to define my life right now, I would definitely need a list of cards - including The Hermit crossed by The Tower, Strength rx, Temperance rx and The Fool. Nice mix, huh? Not.

\m/ Kat


I'm still The Fool. I've just accumulated a lot more excuses over the years for being one .


"I'm still The Fool. I've just accumulated a lot more excuses over the years for being one." HAHA I hear that!

However, do you mean fool as in foolish, or fool as in young and alive and looking for adventure, something to challange yourself with??

I'm bits and pieces of many cards - some reversed - but lately .... I'd say part Hermit, crossed by the Heirophant, and then part Tower crossed by the Magician. I'm sitting here thinking about all the rest of the cards, the journeys, and yes; this is where I am right now. Have been for some months. Frankly, I'm ready to move on. I need to get that Magician moving, with some Sun action thrown in. My head has been in the Hermit/Moon phase entirely too long. I'm getting lonely and water logged.
