5 of Wands as Advice?


Has anyone ever drawn the 5 of Wands in an advice position?

I've just drawn it for myself as advice and of course with it being a reading for myself I have gone blank on it!!

I put a clarifier on it to try and make it a bit clearer and got the Chariot.

My first thoughts were as advice its telling you to take control of a situation getting out of hand but I'm worried I've read that from the Chariot and ignored the original advice card which was 5 of Wands.

So any thoughts? I know this one should be really clear and as soon as someone says it I am going to think "Durr, of course it means that"!


Expect a delay.

Expect competition or to see a rival.

Fight for what you want.

Prepare for physical fight. Sparring.

Take up karate (nunchucks), fencing or hockey. Any sport that involves weapons.


Five of Wands advice:

Don't take it so seriously. Yeah...this is a game, remember? Friendly competition is fine, but this isn't Celebrity Death Match.

Give it your best, show what you're made of.

Expect some confusion, but you can hold your own in the midst of it.

Be a good sport.

With the Chariot, I think it's saying to stay focused amid the confusion and you will reach your goal. Don't let the presence of other "fires" distract you. Stay single-minded.



To makes a choice for change.

To go join in with the action.

To remotivate yourself, if you feel stuck.

To challenge or test yourself so that you can achieve more.

To take up exercise.

To look for a way to use your creative energies.

To go out and get involved with others, healthy competition.

The Chariot adds the determination to succeed in whatever you chose to do.

crazy raven

MercyMe said:
Five of Wands advice:

Don't take it so seriously. Yeah...this is a game, remember? Friendly competition is fine, but this isn't Celebrity Death Match.


To add to Ginny's.......try to loosen up and show your true feelings......you might be surprised at the response.


5/Wands always, to me, means one thing: Do whatever you need to do to stand out. Everyone's going to be fighting to win; you have to fight to win as well, but also fight differently, creatively. Whoever is judging this competition is as interested in originality as they are in a "winner."

Putting it another way--although the 5/Wands shows a bunch of young men battling with wands, I think it would be better served as a bunch of actors, who all look pretty much alike, trying out for the same starring role. If you really want the part, you not only have to want it and fight for it--you have to do it differently enough that your performance stands out, that you stop blending in with them and make an impression.

And I agree completely with MercyMe on the Chariot interpretation. Don't let all those others distract you--stop thinking about how they're doing their readings, or whether they look more suited for the part than you do. Keep your eyes on the prize, maintain your focus, control your emotions and go for it!


My interpretation of the Chariot with this card, is to control your emotions with this issue. Astrologically, the Chariot is the card for Cancer which is a very emotional sign. The Chariot controls opposing forces, head and heart, and the lesson for Cancer is to 'reign in' the emotions as they can take over and be destructive. The 5 Wands is not an emotional card and as the others have said, don't take this 'conflict' seriously. So I think the Chariot is just reinforcing that aspect.


Brilliant, as usual! Thanks very much.

Me, take things too seriously??!! I would love to deny this - but I can't!! :D


5 of wands in combination with the chariot means to me pick up a challenge, interact with others, perhaps in a bit of a competitive way, perhaps a bit of debating or sports, have some fun, dare to be expressive, outgoing, that kind of things. :)