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Now we know the final goal of the World.


A new Tarot book arrived .. somehow before the official publication (at least as it seems), I've no price and not how to get it, but I think, this will come soon.

Il Castello de Tarocchi ... a cura di Andrea Vitali

With texts of Giordano Berti, Alain Bougearel, Franco Cardini, Ross Sinclair Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, Gerardo Lonardoni, Alberto Milano, Giovanni Tesio, Bepi Vigna, Girolamo Zorli, Andrea Vitali, Lothar Teikemeier

222 pages, DinA 4, year 2010, Lo Scarabeo, Italy ... Italian language, many pictures

"Tarocchi e Neopitagorismo" ...that's from Alain Bougearel
Ross writes about "Origine della Cartomanzia"
One chapter is named "In Origine erano 14 Trionfi" ...

The pictures took so much place ... .-)


... again this soccer-ball ... .-)

Ross G Caldwell

You're lucky - mine hasn't arrived yet.


Il Castello dei Tarocchi (composed by Andrea Vitali)

Description now in English language
Essays by Giordano Berti, Alain Bougearel, Franco Cardini, Ross Sinclair Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, Gerardo Lonardoni, Alberto Milano, Lothar Teikemeier, Giovanni Tesio, Bepi Vigna, Andrea Vitali, Girolamo Zorli.


There's another new Trionfi card note, also found by Andrea Vitali:

“Ludere al magidem seu tabularium et a scacum, cartas vel triumphos” Sabbioneta, Statuta 1484,I, 220 in “Glossario Latino Italiano, Stato della Chiesa, Veneto, Abruzzi”, pag. 328 ( by Pietro Sella)

Also at
Also at TEXTE.pdf

Article analyzed for things in the articles, which might interest us:
see this, and you find the relevant notes



ca. 30 km north of Parma, in that time at Mantovan territory. In 1484 it was reigned by the second son of Ludovico Gonzaga and Barbara of Brandenburg.
Gianfrancesco, 1st Conte di Sabbioneta e Signore di Bozzolo (1479-96), *1443, +Bozzolo 28.8.1496; 1m: 1479 Antonia del Balzo; 2m: ?;

In 1484 Francesco Gonzaga I, ruler of Ferrara 1478-84 and elder brother of above mentioned Gianfrancesco, died at 1484-07-14. The heir, Francesco Gonzaga II was 18 years old, likely his elder uncle Gianfrancesco (who owned Sabbioneta) played likely a stronger role - then.
One might bet on it ... the Statutes should have been written after 1484-07-14.

Sabbioneta is 1484 more the name of a region than a city. In 1484 there seems to be a village and a castle. Sabbioneta takes stronger development in second half of 16th century. It becomes an ideal city, something like Sforza's Sforzinda.


This is the modern Sabbioneta. One still recognizes the plan of an "ideal city".


It was build up c. 1560, but this isn't interesting for my purpose. The riddle is, what had been there before, cause from the year 1484 there is a Trionfi card note referring to Sabbioneta.

This is the Theatro Olympico ... maybe similar to that, what is described Alberti's "Momus".
