21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card -- step ONE


21 Ways - Step One

Step ONE: Hermetic Tarot, The Blasted Tower (XVI).

This black and white card depicts a great bolt of lightning striking a tall, almost lighthouse-looking tower, severing the top half from the base. The force of the blast has caused the lightning itself to split into several smaller bolts. The source of this power appears to be the sun in the upper-right corner. A person seems to have narrowly avoided the blast, and is on a headfirst course toward the water below. Two diagrams or charts flank the tower, one with white circles, the other with black. A male/Mars symbol is in the upper-left corner. The top center of the card contains some Hebrew text whose meaning is a mystery to me. The bottom of the card contains what I believe to be a secondary title, "Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty."

I have chosen The Blasted Tower (XVI), Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty.


STEP ONE: Robin Wood Deck, The Chariot

I see a young man. He has longish blond hair, and he is smiling as he strums a harp. He is standing within a carriage, beneath a canopy filled with stars upon a many blue hued background. The outside of this drape is a lush purple.

This man is dressed in a blue and gold royal robe, with armor covering his upper body, of alternating gold and silver panels, with a badge of the Sun emblazoned upon it, over his heart. He wears a silver single ringed crown, with a green gem set so it rests against his forehead.

Standing before the golden colored chariot are Unicorns; one a black beauty, with a silver horn and a billiant green eye. The halter around its neck, a silver etched with crescent moons and symbols of Venus. The other Unicorn, a pure white creature with a golden horn, and golden halter, only the etchings show suns. There is a Yin/Yang symbol seen between them, set into the carriage. Above the black and white ornament on the front of the Chariot, is a pair of white wings, with a blue stone.

The surrounding and background is a pale yellow with some cloud-like billows near the bottom.


21 ways - Step 1

Shadowscapes - the Chariot

A chariot is pulled across the waves of the sea by two prancing white unicorns with twisted horns. They turn to look back at the standing charioteer, a young woman, wearing green flowing robes and golden armor in the form of a filled golden breastplate and helm that leaves her reddish blonde hair flowing. While red ribbons are attached to the unicorns as reins, she has dropped the reins and stands with her arms slightly stretched out and down by her side. Below the surface of the waves, green sea turtles and a golden crab swim. Above there are clouds, and the spires of a distant city.


Tarot of Vampyres
Queen of Knives

A young looking, pale vampire girl is sitting in a decorative, golden chair with shell decoration on it. She is wearing a Victorian style, white lace dress, which resembles a wedding gown, with a rose near her chest and a bloody knive with her hand. With her, on the back of the chair, stands a crow. Behind the chair, on the wall, is a spiral that looks like a shell.


21 ways - step 1

Tarot of Vampyres - Seven of Skulls

a naked young half woman/half furry animal with big feet is outside, hugging a scepter shaped grave-marker that has a skull attached. she is sitting on her hip with her torso open - partially to the grave-marker and partially to the outside world, her lower body/arms are closed in an overall posture of protection.
in the background is a high wall and a bumpy, withered, leafless, fruitless tree. what once was the fruit of the tree is scattered at the base of the tree and the base of the grave-marker...looking a little like skulls or rotting potatoes. the only color is the fresh blood-dripping heart in the woman's hand and the blood from/on her lips. There is a sword like symbol hidden in the art of the tree.


21 Ways - Step One

Rider-Waite Tarot / II. The High Priestess

This card depicts a beautiful young woman sitting between two ornamented posts. The woman is dressed in a flowing gown of blue and white and wears a crown with a circle in the centre. She holds a scroll labelled 'Tora', has a crescent moon at her feet, and a large white cross on her chest. The left post is black and labelled B; the right post is white and labelled J. A banner of ripe, brightly coloured fruit and trees hangs behind the woman. She appears to be calm and thoughtful.


21 Ways - step ONE - Jan 27 2011

Hello everyone! I am very excited to be starting this journey with you all.

Shadowscapes Tarot - THE SEVEN OF SWORDS

On a background of purple dancing chaotically with stormclouds, I see a rock spire jutting out barren ground. Few plants grow here, only a few ferns and mosses clinging stubbornly to the rock. Atop the spire sits a graceful swan, her back facing me, wings outstretched gloriously. The poise of her beautiful figure is absolutly breathtaking. Her feathers are pure white purity, untouched by the faintest mark of greed or malice. Her long, twining neck is twisted, one black jewel eye fixed on a figure behind her right shoulder. She is surrounded by five swords, tarnished and blackened with age, the once brilliantly shining bronze still peeking through at the hilt. The swan stands protectivly infront of a sixth sword, glowing with a golden, radiant aura of power. The figure behind her crouches low, hiding, holding the seventh of the swords. he examines its fine blade, its sharp, killing edge. His legs are smoothly clad in black feathers, and at his back rest a pair of black wings, open softly. He wears a birds mask, black with a blood red, sharp and pointed beak. Scarlett ribbons flow down his neck and shoulders from the mask. What is holding it there? He carresses the blade as other blackbirds swoop low to examine his prize, and the black winged thief wears a sinister, knowing smirk on his lips.



Hello everyone, new member here joining in on the learning journey.

Shadowscapes - Page Of Pentacles.

A young lady sits on top of a high rock with an engraved Pentacles at the face of the rock.She seems alert and keeping a watchful eye on anything that might pass by, in here left hand she holds a great treasure which represents a past memory she cherish in her life.Not ever wanting to forget that moment she protects it on this high rock. With a slumbering dragon below her and spirits around her she feels well protected by here surroundings.


21 Ways, Step One

Hello everyone. Just got this book and I am really dedicated to learning the cards.

XV The Devil from the Anna K Tarot

A large man with a bare chest sits on a black throne. He is wearing a headress with feathers and a pentacle as the center "jewel". He has a red blanket draped over his legs and a bib (?) over the center of his chest. His expression is detached considering the debauchery taking place around him. His nails are long and he is dangling gold links over a woman's hands. This woman is grasping for the gold. Her fingers are covered with rings and she has multiple bracelets around her arms. She is wearing a gold tiara, a red robe and has jewels dangling from her ear lobes. Her hands reach out with a "gimme" gesture. Beside her is a man stroking his beard. His face and eyes are puffy with excess. Next to him is a man grasping a cup of wine with his eyes squinted. In front of him is a man in armor, a red cape and chain mail, holding aloft a bloody sword (the Knight of Swords perhaps?).His visor is down and his head tilted up towards the sword. Surrounding these figures are several nude men and women, lounging or engaged in what appears to be sexual acts. There is a partial face of a man to the right- he has his teeth bared. Gold chains are draped around the devil's throne, piles of gold lay around and there are bright flames in the background.