21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card -- step ONE


21 ways- Step 1.1,1.3

Alright, lets get this boat going

I asked Deviant Moon "who am I?" and decided to use that card for the trip.
Pulled 9 of Cups, and was quite befuzzled. Never ever gotten this card before.

Hello 9 of Cups, what are you doing here?

A young man on a beach, wearing an orange coat and red pants stares in awe and shock as a Purple and Blue Djinn emerges from the lamp he holds. The Djinn has the typical DM Sun and Moon face. The Moon eye (the djinn right side) is wide open, while the sun eye is almost closed. In the center of the forehead is a third eye, half open and calm. Floating around the Djinn are nine cups, and an aura eminates from the Djinn. In the background is a calm sea, a plain beach, a rocky hill, and a low cast crescent moon.


21 ways step one

Hello, all :) I am very happy to be taking this journey, having just picked up a copy of the book.

Savage Tarot - High Priestess

The card is divided into two levels. At the top level, a young woman in a white dress lies on the floor, knees drawn up beneath her, clutching at her hair. Along the yellowed walls behind her, cracks are spreading. She looks either troubled, or deep in thought. On the second level, beneath the floor, we see cracks which mirror those in her room. They extend upward and look like roots. It is hard to tell whether they are reaching up toward her, or emanating downward from the woman. The roots also resemble a neural network.

I chose the card and deck entirely at random. Savage Tarot is not my favourite, but my hat is thrown in :) Also, I find the selection of HP interesting....


Step one

Step 1 the Ananda Tarot The Turning Point card (Judgement)

this card has many hands upraised in various symbols at the bottom reaching towards the light at the top. there is a puzzle partially assembled on the left side of the card and interestingly, one hand rises slightly above all the others and it is holding a pen that has just written a symbol that I think is from alchemy...will have to research that!

Ivy Rhiannon

Step One

Druidcraft Tarot ~ The Fferyllt

A noble young woman combines two liquids together over a smoking cauldron. Her home is wooden, filled with animal skins, stones, and sweet smelling dried herbs. Outside the sky is blessed with a beautiful rainbow that ends at a figure standing on distant raised hilltop resembling a pyramid. She seems intent on her studies, and her cautiousness shows she has worked hard for this moment.

I am holding the Fferyllt from the Druidcraft Tarot.


21 ways -step one

Step one Radiant Rider Waite -Judgement

An angel is in the sky coming through the clouds with golden hair and reddish brownish wings , playing a trumpet with a with a white flag with a red cross hanging from it . There are 6 people below which are standing in their coffins holding their arms in the air towards the angel ,there are lines under the trumpet representing the sound coming from it ,to which these people have risen from the dead. There is water and mountains in the distance .

This is the Judgement card of the Radiant Rider Waite deck which i have chosen.


21 Ways to REad a Tarot Card - Step 1


A warrior plunges a blade of sword on the breast of a princess or priestess. The warrior wears a shield and the princess wears a red dress. Three swords on the left side are diagonally situated in the background. The scene appears to be similar to the Greek Tragedy Illiad where one of the Greek heroes stabs a Trojan priestess.


21 Ways.. Step One

Step One: Gilded Tarot - Temperance

A woman rises through the aether, her feet to her calves mere twinkling stars until they merge towards the knee. She is draped in lush orange fabric, very gauzy and somewhat translucent. Her gown has only one shoulder strap, and it appears as though the wind is blowing against her - molding the cloth to her body. She has fiery reddish/orange hair which is also blown back from her face, and she gazes off to the right towards the golden cup in her hand. This cup is no ordinary cup. From it flames lick the rim, and yet miraculously it also pours forth water. Her hand, surrounding this cup has a mystical glow. In her other hand she holds a silver cup. From it rises water as well, expertly defying gravity as it rises up and out of the cup to flow towards the water coming down from the golden cup. These waters converge together. Behind the woman looms a large red planet.

I am holding Temperance

Soaring Eagle

21 Ways...Step One

Step One: Celtic Dragon - 8 Strength

A girl is standing with each foot on a different rock. There are small dragons around her feet, and a large dragon that she is touching below it's jaw. The dragon is breathing steam from it's mouth. The woman is looking into the dragon's eyes, with a determined look upon her face. Behind the woman there are rocks and two trees growing on the rocks. There looks to be a cave below the trees, barely visible.

I am holding the 8-Strength card from Celtic Dragon


21 Ways: Step One

I am holding the Queen of Pentacles from the RWS deck

She is a feminine figure who is definitely someone from a royal lineage considering her headgear and her elegance. She sits on a brown, possibly wooden throne and has a Pentacle/Coin in her hand, looking onto which she is contemplating something. There seems to a lot of foliage and abundance in general around her.


Step ONE: The Fairy Tale Tarot (Lisa Hunt), Seven of Pentacles

I decided to not read the story connected with the card in the not quite so little and not white LWB. ;) So I just had a look at the card and what I can see.

If I remember correctly, describing the card is step 2, so I will do it there but if you want to see the card, here's a link: http://www.thefairytaletarot.com/