A.E.Waite's early tarot writing


I found an early, perhaps the earliest Tarot writing of Waite in "The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographical Review" (vol. 12, 1887 Oct. published by Redway), pp210-213. Scanned, turned into PDF and uploaded in my grimore.blog as usual. Let's share, my friends.


The article is short and not deep, but his usage is quite interesting.


Thank you. That was really interesting.


Really appreciate this. It's clear Waite had already begun to question many of the tarot myths and check out their veracity with his own research.

I think it's interesting that Waite equated the triple sceptre of the "High Priest" with a "triple phallus" of Osiris when he was probably thinking of the Tet or Djed Pillar, which I've always heard described as a backbone or tree.