Konraad's Past Life Spread pt. 1


DollChica, why don't you post your layout here so we can help you out. Do you have another deck you could replicate your spread with? Do not get bogged down in the number of cards, take them one throne at a time, then tie them all together.


Actually, I was planning on laying the spread out with a different deck on Saturday when I could spend some time looking at it. Tried looking at it again last night and went nowhere. This is what my Throne I looks like

-Ace of Discs (coins)-
-The Universe-High Priestess-Karma(Justice)-The Tower-

I think that I was a warrior with really bad people skills. That's the only thing that I'm getting. I want so much to fix the things that prevent me from moving forward with my life. That's why I'm so frustrated with not being able to decipher this reading.


I'm confused ... Throne one is about your childhood, your childhood in this lifetime. Throne 4 is your past life.


I'll look at it again and try to make sense of it...


I did it!!

OK, I did a past life reading, and this is the result... oh my, I feel dizzy and lightheaded. This spread is highly interesting, but I would appreciate any comments, thought or/and opinions on it from others as well. :)

Me dummie - I used the Shapeshifter Tarot with the 3 extra cards, two of them showed up in the spread, btw!

Throne 1

....... The Well (Ace of Cups)
The Circle (Wheel of Fortune) - Sorceress (HP) - The Mother (Empress) - Knowledge (Hierophant)
........ Courage (Strength)

OK, as far as I can tell from what I read in the post, this indicates that my childhood was filled with love and pleasure. OK, this is what influences I have from past lifes? My childhood was not quite filled with love and pleasure... but let’s see the other cards. Maybe there is some more to tell. If I see the Ace of Cups also as emotionally packed, yes, they sure were! Almost like drifting away in feelings, I was quite sensitive - a well of overflowing emotions and impressions - not only mine, indeed. Could this refer also to being an empath or so? The Circle of Fortune tells me that there were ups and downs - and also, that my life was influenced by others, what I can heavily relate to. Nonetheless, I learned a lot through this time of change and the need to adapt. The Sorceress - oh my, indicates perhaps that I was kind of sensitive? I would not dare say I was a psychic, nor that I am psychic nowadays. Maybe it refers to my beliefs - a witch. My mother certainly had a lot of influence on me. I wonder, could this refer that I and my mother know each other from another lifetime? I admit, I have a caring nature, so there is surely a lot of possibilities here. How does this connect to the Knowledge... perhaps that I have already certain knowledge from a past life that is influencing me subconsciously? Or could this refer to some kind of social interference? I am lost here. The Courage is highly interesting - I have never seen me as a strong or couragous nature, not back when I was a child, nor today. Certainly, I grew through the experiences, but this is a somehow astonishing card for me.

Throne 2

...... The Four Winds (Ace of Wands)
The Dreamer - The Lovers - The Serpent (Tower) - Transcendence (Judgement)

OK, this is the Ace of Wands in “traditional” decks, which means I had a somewhat powerful, influential career? Wow, that is an interesting thought. The Dreamer, what a beautiful card, reminds me of a sibyl or something, a seer or psychic/medium of some sort. Combined with the Lovers, does this refer that I was a loving and caring person, that I helped others to find their way through life or that I had a soulmate back then that is looking for me? The Serpent reminds me of somewhat a world tumbling down, but as the snake is said to have great powers, I do not see her as something negative. I feel that this card has something else as a message for me. Somehow grounded and cool - a cave, retreat? Another nice card, that again, has a rather heavy connotation on the psychic realms to me. So, what does this tell me about my career - perhaps that I should seek a career where I can use my love for others and helping others to see their way in life?

Throne 3

...... The Garden (Ace of Pentacles)
The Journey - Oneness (World) - Power (Strength) - The Seer -
....... The Star

The Ace of Pentacles indicates again that this was a kind of powerful marriage or relationship. So, I assume that I had some kind of wonderful relationship, and still have. Perhaps I am looking for my soulmate? The Journey in connection to love and marriage - reminds me that I am searching for something, and maybe I long for a partner to share my journey with, someone that I know for ages and have been “on the road” forever the one that makes me “whole”, as the Oneness shows so nicely. Together with the Power, could this possibly refer to me finding my “other half” or twin soul flame that gives me strength and unites us both together as a team that is hard to beat? And The Seer - a spiritual connection of sort? Not to mention the Star! Tells me that there might be something like “fate” working here, someone that I have been connected to for several lifetimes.

Throne 4

...... The Sacred Flame
Rebirth (Death) - Nature (Justice) - The Shapeshifter (Hanged Man) - The Sun - The Moon - Choice (Devil) - Initiation (Fool) - Father (Emperor)

Oh my, lol, great power again! What does this mean??? I do not feel powerful at all. Together with the Rebirth card and the Justice, this could refer to a debt that I have from a pastlife? That I am bound to something or someone because of a past life? Interesting to me is that the Nature shows a woman and a man, what reminds me heavily of the Soulmate theme again. And funny enough, the Rebirth card has a Scropio - my ex boyfriend was a Scorpio, and my hubby is a Libra/Scorpio (23 October)...The Shapeshifter again reminds me of a kind of shaman or someone who wants to see beyond the surface. The Sun reminds me, together with the Justice of seeking the truth and the beauty in everything and revealing what is meant to be seen and true. Especially what is hidden within the human soul, perhaps, regarding the Moon directly between the Sun and Choice/Devil card. The Devil card is somewhat interesting to me. I wonder what this refers too? Choice directly next to the Initiation - perhaps a choice of going through the cycle again, being born again or not? Can we choose? And then the father. Actually, this could refer to a father of mine in a past life - I rather see this as my partner for some reason. A strong person, a cunningman, perhaps, or someone who stood up for his believes.

I am confused with all those "hints" to "powerful" and "great power" and so on and so forth. Perhaps it is just me and wishful thinking, but I have the impression that there are some influences from my past life that might be coming from a soulmate or so.

But again, any comments are appreciated!



Helruna -

I've printed off your post and am going to go and study it. I will post my reply shortly.

I'm looking forward to a group study on Tarot and past lives!

:TAW Starfish


Butting in....

If no one minds I'd really like to participate. I've done this spread using my World Spirit deck and I am truly amazed by it. I will post my results in the other threads specifically titled by throne. Any insight (or telling me I'm nuts!) is truly appreciated!

R :)


It wouldn't be considered butting in, girlfriend!

Please join us!!

:T7C Starfish


I have been really, -really- lax in responding to the threads in this, but i'll get on it within the next couple of days. I'm so sorry, everybody else that's in on this!

Royal Cat


This is a wonderful thread to read and I've been fascinated by the great information you've learned through this spread. I was eager to give it a try myself. I used the Universal Rider-Waite and did the spread last week. I've been mulling it over for several days and I'm afraid I'm just confused. :( Anyone care to give me a little help?

Throne 1: Early Childhood/Destiny
*****Ace of Wands*****

Ace of Wands=work and responsibility
The only thing that makes any sense to me here is the Emperor - I had a very controlling, powerful father (a lawyer). However, I don't really see how the other cards come into play. When I was young a friend's mom read my hand and told me I was an old soul who had been on this earth many times. I was a very philosophical teenager and content being alone, cherishing privacy. Perhaps that's the Hermit?

Throne 2: Career
*****Ace of Coins*****

Ace of Coins=Favorable
Ok, this is really the only throne that made complete sense to me. I started my own business somewhat young (well, I still am young!) and although I knew what I was doing I also sort of "jumped in head first" - a bit of a Fool, stepping off the cliff, optimistic and oblivious. I've been successful in my biz. by combining characteristics of the Star and Strength cards. And I think the Empress is a decent representation of myself at this stage in my career. Creative, fruitful and Mothering/growing my business. BTW, I create custom gift baskets.

Throne 3: Love and Marriage
*****Ace of Swords*****

Ace of Swords= Quarrels
This was confusing and a bit scary. I have a very happy marriage and we don't have fights (really!) We've been together for 11 years, married for 7 of those. I can only speculate that the Lovers card either stands for myself (a Scorpio) or us as a couple. :confused: The combination of Judgement, Death and Sun is very puzzling to me in regards to "Quarrels" in "Love." I really need help sorting this one out!

Throne 4: Past Life
*****Ace of Cups*****
**Hierophant**Wheel of Fortune**High Priestess**Temperance**Justice**Moon**Devil**Hanged Man

Ace of Cups = Beauty
Hmm... the pairing of Hierophant and High Priestess suggests to me that I must have been a powerful person in the church or at least a leader or teacher of some kind. This makes sense to me. I seem to have gone through quite a bit in this past life... confusion, addictions, wrong paths, etc. I would love to have someone help me piece this together a bit. There are two very important people in my life that I feel like I've known in a past life... that we've been connected before somehow. I'd love to find out how/why. Also, is it possible for this Throne to represent a blending of several past lives? Or does it always represent the most recent?

Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)