Shungite compared to Hematite

Briar Rose


I was going to write out the comparison information (as requested) on Shungite compared to Hematite, but it is an intense study and leaving anything out wouldn't do my fav Shungite any justice. I like this site the best for the information and research on the Shungite. There is also an informative book on Shungite, which I plan to buy soon.


So the differences are many. For me, one is not greater or better to work with than the other. Both are different, and I still love and have a jar and some jewelry in Hematite. It still feels great to hold it and work with it. This research did not dull or deminish my feelings towards Hematite.

When I was at the wholesale show over the summer, Shungite was hard to find. I learned it is expensive in the true silver/black color (the best quality, about $27.00 for a stone about the size of a walnut), and the lesser quality, being more blackish in color went for about $5. like a flat palm stone about 2 inches oval.

Anyone work with Shungite?