The Tarot of Vampyres - Queen of Scepters


The Queen seems to be in a vault, hers perhaps? She was lying on a tomb and now she has started to rise a bit but now leans on her arms. She wears a pretty black dress and she has red hair. She seems alert, self-confident and determined. She's a strong person and has little patience for fools, she applies her will no matter what the others may think (I'm talking about those who expect her to behave womanly and passive). She is anything but passive. She doesn't let people walk over her. She mature and doesn't let her passions drive her. Her feline companion is in the mood to play and scratches gently her dress.

I'm surprised to see there is no water on this card, after all the Queen is water of fire.


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I'm surprised to see there is no water on this card, after all the Queen is water of fire.

I see the Water as being present on her upper-arm band. The heart (for emotions), red for passion and love (and blood!). Above the heart appears to be an upside down heart, or is it a shell? It has 3, half-heart-like/drop-like sections. It could be the dripping blood of the nourishing Water Element, from the Womb of the Great Primordial Sea of Mother Earth. Or maybe it's just and emblem representing what nourishes her; blood. Either way, blood is a fluid like Water, linked to the Feminine and the Feminine Mysteries of Monthly Cycles, Birth, and the absence of bleeding; reaching menopause and Crone-hood.