Looking for a Relationship Spread


Celtic_Dragon: I'm glad I could be of assistance. :D I like your variation! You know, I'm a bit nosy too, should they get back together? *l*



Melvis said:
Hmmm...is that why I'm so nosy...'cause I'm a Leo? :D Goody! Now I have something to blame it on! })

Makes sence to me!! After all if it's our nature to be the center of attention why shouldn't we be the center of gossip?? I just don't spread it around for my advantage like some *other* signs.

*Yes I do have a specific person in mind and no it's not anyone on this board.

Originally posted by Aeonx
I'm a bit nosy too, should they get back together? *l*

For that I got the Justice card, faery wicca deck. Which has a picture of a pregnate woman running because her water's just broke. And I'm sure you can imagine what's going through her mind. Everything from am I ready for this? to will the baby be healthy?

Basicly everything's going to turnout alright in the end, and I'm being a little nosey. Personaly I kinda find that a little funny because I'm always hearing that from my dad when he's dealing with something that doesn't include me.

Does that mean you're getting good if your tarot deck starts making snide remarks and scarcastic comments to you?


Osho Zen Relationship spread

this spread comes from teh back of the book for the Osho Zen TArot slightly abridged.


1. you and your position/vibration
2. the second person in question and their vibration
3. composite energy and vibration
4. the insight into the relationship and its vibratons.

if you continue to use the cards you can use 76 inteh 4 positions, the 2 (or more) remaining cards might symbolize you and the other person(s) in teh most base and logical manner.


Pentacle Element Spread for Relationships

Hi All! (or..hey yall) Trying to keep my drawl out of it...
The following seemed to work out OK for me, it is my first "homemade" spread.
:) I hope you will try it too.

5 card elemental relationship spread,
with 1 significator card in the middle

- - - - - - - 2 - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 6- - - - - 1- - - - - 3 -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - 5 - - - - - 4 - - -

1. Querient- Me
2. Advice/possible solutions. SPIRIT
3. Querients position WATER
4. Other persons position FIRE
5. Main issue at hand EARTH
6. What stands in your way together AIR



I tried this out, and it didn't give me a reading I could readily read... I got court cards for the Most positive thing, and the when, and the rest was just plain hard to read. I'm not sure if it's my deck - a very dark one, indeed - or my n00bishness. Any insight, here would be great...


Which of the many spreads did you use?? If you post your reading in the Reading section I can look it over and see what it has to say.