>>>Please help Identify what deck these 2 cards are from<<<

Tarot dance

Hi all

Does anyone know or recognize these two cards and perhaps what deck they come from…

The first one, La Justice (with the kitty) I ran across while I was searching for something else...I was so drawn to both the colors and the eeriness of the cat…(I think it’s a cat…)…I had to know what deck it was from and could I get one,,,

So, when I go off on a image search to identify what deck the Justice card comes from….I ran across the 2nd image….Le Bateluer from a deck called the Bonne (Good) Adventure Tarot… again, I had to know what deck it was from and could I get one…

So now I am researching not just one card but two….and the longer I searched…the more confused I became….

So, here I set, in desperate need of some help, hoping someone can rectify my confusion…also before my OCD kicks in I spend all night searching, searching, & searching….

HELP! Thank you


Image #1, Justice


Image #2, Le Bateleur


  • Cat Major.jpg
    Cat Major.jpg
    115.2 KB · Views: 803
  • Bone Adventure Tarot Perha;ps.jpg
    Bone Adventure Tarot Perha;ps.jpg
    121.3 KB · Views: 834


Well, be careful buying, as I am pretty sure this isn't it :D


Looks more Lenormand anyway...

That Bateleur is by Marie Meier - the sig is on there.

The cat Justice one is almost certainly from The Wilder Mann Tarot by Marie Meier.


Unpublished, according to Adam Mclean

http://www.alchemywebsite.com/tarot/unpublished.html - scroll down.

The other is by her too - indeed, from the BONNE AVENTURE TAROT- again, seems incomplete. There are a few other cards from it on Pinterest and on deviantart:


Hey - try this search string.


Gregory is correct, these decks were created by the French artist Marie Meier. As far as I can glean, even the majors have not yet been finished, so they hasn't been published.

If you're dead set on acquiring one of Meier's decks tho, she has previously published a limited edition Tarot. This is the Tarot des Amazones or the Tarot of the Amazons. It is a majors-only deck with 8 extra cards such as La Dame Blanche (The White Lady) and La Dame du Lac (The Lady of the Lake, making a total of 30 cards. Some of them can be viewed here:


It seems that it is already sold out from her shop tho, so you would have to look elsewhere:


Tarot dance

Thank you to everyone for responding…

You are looking at two cards from two different decks. The first one is from the Wilder Mann Tarot. The second is from the Bonne Adventure Tarot. See the difference in styles?

Yes I did…that is what made it so confusing in my web search…lol…my OCD grab ahold of me…I am intrigued by both the difference and similarities in styles…I would love to get both decks and lay them out side by side just to do a comparison to the imagery as well as choices in how each card’s symbolism is portrayed…

Well, be careful buying, as I am pretty sure this isn't it :D https://www.amazon.com/Tarot-Bonne-Aventure-Livre-Cartes/dp/2737365031

Yeah, I saw this Amazon and at first was very excited thinking I could purchase the deck…but reading the product description realized that it was book by a photographer….

That Bateleur is by Marie Meier - the sig is on there.

Yes and thank you…I just left a message on her site inquiring about the availability if the deck…I let you know when and what the response is

The cat Justice one is almost certainly from The Wilder Mann Tarot by Marie Meier.
http://www.mariemeier.fr/2014/04/tarot-wilder-mann-la-mort.html The other is by her too - indeed, from the BONNE AVENTURE TAROT- again, seems incomplete. There are a few other cards from it on Pinterest and on deviantart:

Thank you…I checked out both sites when I was trying to figure out what was what…it is a shame the decks are incomplete and I hope the artist completes the deck soon…(If she could buckle down and complete both by next Thursday would be perfect…lol…)

As far as I can glean, even the majors have not yet been finished, so they hasn't been published.

If you're dead set on acquiring one of Meier's decks tho, she has previously published a limited edition Tarot. This is the Tarot des Amazones or the Tarot of the Amazons. It is a majors-only deck with 8 extra cards such as La Dame Blanche

Though I am intrigues by her art and would kill to have either the Good Adventure or the Wilder Mann Tarot…Majors only decks don’t grab me…I only one majors only deck in my collection…Silvana Alasia’s Egyptian Tarot Grand Trumps …& I bought that on a lark….

Unpublished, according to Adam Mclean

http://www.alchemywebsite.com/tarot/unpublished.html - scroll down.

…I love his site...i just never remember it whenever I am questioning or researching a deck…

Again thank yiu to all for you helping our of my confusion….


Lol I know how it's like to obsess over some arcane piece/s so I'm just glad to help, Tarot dance. :)