Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 8 - #68


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 8
Number: 68



Dr Jones has the Key Word Protest

Solar fire body part - Apex of lungs
Element Smokey quartz

Smoky quartz or Smokey quartz, also known as Cairngorm. Traditionally used for treating stress, depression, fear and panic. It stimulates the desire for life and survival while giving the courage to make changes and break bad habits that no longer serve. Smokey Quartz is a great meditation stone, aiding the alpha state; use if for hypnosis also. Some find this crystal to be a powerful protection stone, simply carry it with you when you feel you are in need of 'extra' protection, Doreen Virtue uses it when she is doing publicity tours and book signings to dissipate energies…

People who have this symbol in the 'northern hemisphere' in their astrology chart (7th-12 house) are very verbal and negative, you know they type of person where teh glass is not only half empty but the glass is dirty and the waiter had better come fix it NOW, below the horizon in their astrology chart people have difficult (rather than negative) internal dialogue..



I had to think long and hard about this symbol because I am a rebel of sorts and believe in ‘peaceful demonstrations’. Demontrations to alert the public of certain happenings within the world and/or their community and perhaps creating a shift in their perceptions. Throughout a demonstration it is important to maintain a certain amount of integrity, of being conscious, present and responsible. But within the crowd there is always an energy surge from a daredevil whose intensity and aggressive drives and power want to create a battleground of wills! This can and has destroyed all means of getting the proper attention! I see this as a fight between the masses (factory) and individuality (strikers).

Apex of lungs

Wow! I could see the aroused strikers as the beginnings of a hurricane. It began as a slight stirring, a tiny breeze and then built up to a great intensity, a force (bottled-up rage buried deep within) that bears down upon us.

Within, the hurricane triggers negative emotions, hidden forces such as anxiety and resentment – it triggers fears related to security issues – it brings up issues we didn’t even know were there. A form of psychic attack!?

I see this symbol as irrational minds trying to scheme and manipulate the unconscious waters of life.

Marina, I like the smoky quartz here – it is a very stabilizing and grounding crystal. I have also worn a hematite necklace for protection. Does it apply here? Also I’ve noticed many readers and psychics wearing turquoise?



Hi Tink Im with you - PEACEFUL PROTEST, but I read the Dali Lama said something about anger is OK if it is useful and ends swiftly...

Hematite I have for Aries 21 A pugilist entering the ring. Exertion, it is a very 'blood' red element aries, strong hard and invigorating.... I suppose the boxer IS protesting in a way!

turquoise Taurus 27 An indian selling beads. Detachment its got a nice practical application with whole native american image there, but the wise old lady in my minds eye IS a psychic and medicine woman who needs this protection :




Your knowledge in this field is intuitive and astounding! My field has always been in area of healing. One of the many courses I took was color healing which included a breeze through of colored gemstones and their affects with the emotional/etheric body.

One stone I have in my possession is a Herkimer diamond. For me, this is an extremely powerful and amplifying stone. Is it within the Sabian symbols and have you created a list of stones for each symbol?




HI Tink....
(((BLUSH))) I am so happy I have a forum for my creative - intuitive crystal energy to manifest and lovely people like you to help me build ocnfidence :)

I love colour therapy it uses a might lighter energy and it goes along way... not much different to crystals but different - oh that sounds weird,

I have done a draft list here at
one crystal for each symbol - the crystals work in the same way a reading - look at the one before and after to get a harmony happening... depth if you like.. this IS the draft list AND about 20 HAVE changed since.
The final list has been submitted to a publisher and Im not (supposed) to post it in its fullness (- till its in a book - I WISH!!!)

Herkimer diamond Aries 5 -a triangle with wings. Zeal is the key word, this sybmol and crystal I see as a yoga master who can levitate, its like a divine triangle energy - alchemical and spiritual... clear and strong but light...



MCsea said:
one crystal for each symbol - the crystals work in the same way a reading - look at the one before and after to get a harmony happening... depth if you like.. this IS the draft list AND about 20 HAVE changed since.
The final list has been submitted to a publisher and Im not (supposed) to post it in its fullness (- till its in a book - I WISH!!!)

Herkimer diamond Aries 5 -a triangle with wings. Zeal is the key word, this sybmol and crystal I see as a yoga master who can levitate, its like a divine triangle energy - alchemical and spiritual... clear and strong but light...


Oh my gosh! This is incredible Marina, I'm actually without words at the moment. The patience and the work you have put into this..... The elements are your allies, use them holistically to create a bridge of what you desire - May your wish come true!

As far as the herkimer, I see and understand more of its energy. When not in use, I keep its energy enclosed in clear glass - for me it's that powerful!



TINK - you are a bright light in this world,
thank you -
I just loved making the list and working through all the crystal elements and the sybmols very satisfying, and thats why I felt motivated to get it out to the world..

yes as you with your herkimer I keep my moldavite in glass too, I dont have a herkimer - yet ;)




I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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