Lord of the Rings Spread


When I first read the book (in 1967!), two things that struck me in that familiar verse:

Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne...

were, first, why did they skip Five?, and second, they forgot the Hobbits!

Well, the other day it dawned on me: That's a Tarot spread! And here it is:


This shows areas of one's life at the moment, and where problems may lie.

1-3=Elves: lore, wisdom, memory, beauty, stargazing (in both senses!), preservation, detachment from the world
4-10=Dwarves: craftsmanship, stamina, perseverance, stubbornness, avarice, secretiveness
11-19=Men: power, ambition, haste, impatience, curiosity, science, abstraction
20=the Dark Lord: the obstacle or the trap, or the shadow self
21-25=Hobbits: home, food, comforts, coziness, childlike spirit, down-to-earth attitudes

The Hobbits were the downfall of the Dark Lord; therefore in this spread the Hobbit row shows how to avoid or defeat the obstacle or the trap. The Hobbits are the corrective, that which brings balance.

It's also interesting to read the columns for more insight.

I tried this out with my trusty Hanson-Roberts, which is probably the closest I'll come to a hobbit deck in this life, and it worked quite well.


Oh I like I like!! Huge fan of the movies unfortunately I have a hard time reading the books. *sighs* But I'm trying. Thinking the DruidCraft would be another Hobbit-ish deck, if only it actually liked me :(


Very creative and interesting spread. I love it! It is going to my journal right now! Thank you for posting it. Peace.



This spread is massive! Is it possible to lessen the amount of cards?

How about something like:

Elves = Soul Awareness
Dwarves = What grounds you - Earth Awareness
Dark Lord = Your hidden Self

Something like that? Or should I just go and do my own spread:eek:


Oh, do your own, do! The more the merrier! :) I'd love to see it!


I have!:D

You can find it here:)