Manga Tarot: The Sun

Alan Ross

Seasonal Glyph: Summer

There's not much to this card that I can see. A blonde man dressed in golden armor over a green tunic is striding through a golden field of wheat, while the sun shines brightly overhead. The man's breastplate is embellished with a golden dragon. There are also six pennants with red flags in the background.

I did a little looking around the 'net for dragon symbolism. Dragons can symbolize lots of things, but I found one interpretation I really liked. This one site mentioned that dragons can signify living free and fearlessly. I think this really suits this card. The man's golden armor signifies to me that his optimism and sunny disposition are his protection, which allows him to stride confidently through life without fear while enjoying times of abundance (the wheat).

I'm not certain about the six pennants, but six is often regarded as a number of harmony. It is also the number of Tiphareth, the sixth sphere on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The planetary correspondence for Tiphareth is the sun and the color is golden yellow. It's the most harmonious sphere on the tree.
