Roots of Asia Tarot - 10 of Swords / Ten of Swords


In this card I see the bird rising above the sharp points of their thoughts. You actually have control if you remind yourself that a bird needs two wings to fly, wisdom and compassion. Cannot keep flight above those swords without both. It is your own thoughts that cause your suffering.

That is my two cents worth upon seeing the picture of the card.

Dee Ell

Thanks all for your perspectives - I wanted to share a post Mi-Shell made in a Roots of Asia thread yesterday about the specific symbolism, as I found it very helpful regarding the bird (not being familiar with traditional buddhist symbolism myself)

I ordered this deck and it is on its way. I just quickly looked at this image on the net and what immediately comes t mind is
Garuda, The magical "vehicle / mount" of Vishnu
and also its origin, the mystical Kyung Bird from the Bön tradition at the Portal of Light

Since 10 of Swords is pointing towards endings, this then would represent the end of life - or at least this life, when the portal opens and the Soul is either drawn towards re-incarnation - or manages to whithstand that attraction and escape samsara......


I don't have this deck but it looks like a phoenix to me so if I did get this deck I'd take the endings / new beginnings aspect of the 10s and read it like that.
I relate the Minors to their numerical equivalent Major so 10s relate to The Magician and The Wheel.. They're the end of a cycle and the start of the next but building on what's gone before..

Swords are about problems, the mind, communication etc so the 10 Swords is often about the bad times, over analysis, or worrying times being over.. You've got as low as you can get and now the only way is up (a rebirth if you like, shown by that phoenix)..