Help with a re-occuring dream...


enlightenment isn't usually achieved through a comfort zone...
You're searching for inner strength, but finding inner turmoil. This is the nature of your spiritual journey. You are digging deep, and you're finding your shadow side, as mentioned by a previous poster. Don't ignore your bad feelings. Don't ignore any aspect of yourself. You keep trying to find happiness, strength, peace. Peace is when you accept what you find. I think your dream is telling you that it's ok to feel upset when missing your grandma. Don't stuff out the pain with happy memories. Don't tell yourself that you need to be stronger. You feel weak and lost inside, but that is ok. There is no need to hide that from yourself. The thought of your grandma drives you to that feeling of great loss. Feel it without trying to fix it.

Wise words both!

A practical tip on the accepting what you find of the shadow side. It is a shock to see xyz (whatever the tabu is) in yourself. Consciousness uses language, which is why mantras, slogans to repeat, can help. I find it helps to say of xyz (= any "negative" thing): "This is xyz - and that's ok." For example, using the jealousy that was my first shock: "I feel jealous; and feeling it = suffering; and I've always believed that only horrible people do jealousy... and that's ok."

Works for me.

ps. I mean, say "it's ok" and then stop. Hear "it's ok" and feel better, as a child does, without knowing why it's ok or anything. Shock isn't the moment for analysing the whys and wherefores or the consequences and implications of anything. :)


well said M M...

In addition may I add..
Anything that happens in your personal world that has a HOOK in a sign that you too have the inclinations or the deeds hidden from personal view inside...

Hence the pointing of the Fickle Finger of Fault Finding has three fingers pointing back at the accusers...

Sometimes a very bitter pill to swallow... As you MandMaud have obviously experienced...A comfort zone rattler, indeed...


Wise words both!

A practical tip on the accepting what you find of the shadow side. It is a shock to see xyz (whatever the tabu is) in yourself. Consciousness uses language, which is why mantras, slogans to repeat, can help. I find it helps to say of xyz (= any "negative" thing): "This is xyz - and that's ok." For example, using the jealousy that was my first shock: "I feel jealous; and feeling it = suffering; and I've always believed that only horrible people do jealousy... and that's ok."

Works for me.

ps. I mean, say "it's ok" and then stop. Hear "it's ok" and feel better, as a child does, without knowing why it's ok or anything. Shock isn't the moment for analysing the whys and wherefores or the consequences and implications of anything. :)

Have you ever tried to follow that line of questioning down to it's depths...
Following that jealous indicator...with questions on what ,how , where, ....but no Why's...

It has very interesting roots...which are the same root causes of most problems...

I've also found that once a certain point is reached in this self discovery and accepted , it eventually becomes clearer that the outside world is a reflection of the inner world of the viewer...

Now that one is a mind popper...

We are all very very true...

The world is a blank canvas...It allows impressions expressions...

Signs ,symbols, thoughts, inner selves, outer selves ... It's aim is to help find that blank canvas again...Neutral...

The closer to Neutral the closer to your chosen beliefs ruler...

The door opens...just a tiny little bit...

Then it's time for a new game somewhere else...Or maybe not...


So following the advice of MM and Pete...I did some's hard to describe exactly what I was shown but tge gist is that I'm never "in the moment". I'm always rush through to get to another imaginary moment where things will be better. I think my lesson, for now, is to slow down, be present, accept. Now, how to do that, I have no idea but I think it starts within the physical plane..concentrating on the tangible. Not my strength but definitely necessary.

Thanks again everyone!


So following the advice of MM and Pete...I did some's hard to describe exactly what I was shown but tge gist is that I'm never "in the moment". I'm always rush through to get to another imaginary moment where things will be better. I think my lesson, for now, is to slow down, be present, accept. Now, how to do that, I have no idea but I think it starts within the physical plane..concentrating on the tangible. Not my strength but definitely necessary.

Thanks again everyone!

You will find your own ways, but things that have helped me include:
- the Alexander technique;
- gardening, and other things that connect me with the earth without stimulating overthinking; also baking; walking in the woods;
- meditation upon the thread that goes through my core from sky, through the midpoint of the soles of the feet and thereafter deep into the earth and down (if this is new to you, google earth star for a beginning) - there's a wide lake down there, or you may find a fiery core, on different occasions you'll find different things;
- try simply "make-believe" because trying to do it "for real" = trying which is the enemy of peace;
- mindfulness (I haven't read any of the books because by the time I came across the word, everything I saw/heard about it told me I was already on that path;
- Buddhist thinking, not that I'm deeply into that, but everything I see/hear about it seems to be saying this same thing.

As I say, you'll find your own ways, but one way to begin finding them is to try things out that have started others in the right direction. There are others, for example ritual; myself I'm not a ritual/ceremony person but if you're at home with that, it's very strong.

Enjoy. This way lies great peace.


Moving meditation.

FEEL...not feelings ...

FEEL the wind on the skin and in the hair...Feel the muscles and the movements of walking etc...FEEL the air going into the lungs...FEEL the water running over your body in the shower...Feel the soap in your hands...FEEL the flowers or the post rail or the grass ,pavement ...FEEL every thing and everything...

FEEL can only be done in the moment...Feelings are after effects of inner prompts...

When successful you will FEEL and BE totally present...A new world will open up for you...a richer more colourful more open world...


Moving meditation.

FEEL...not feelings ...

FEEL the wind on the skin and in the hair...Feel the muscles and the movements of walking etc...FEEL the air going into the lungs...FEEL the water running over your body in the shower...Feel the soap in your hands...FEEL the flowers or the post rail or the grass ,pavement ...FEEL every thing and everything...

FEEL can only be done in the moment...Feelings are after effects of inner prompts...

When successful you will FEEL and BE totally present...A new world will open up for you...a richer more colourful more open world...

Yes! We're talking Pentacles, aren't we - the physical world and the senses. You've reminded me that shiatsu also helps me, because it brings me right into my body. In fact when I was seeing a healer monthly and having shiatsu monthly, I found that the one took me up (through and beyond the crown) and the other grounded me, so between them I felt more whole than ever before. Them, plus work I was doing on my own of course.


Pentacles, Wands, Cups, Swords all fall under that banner of FEEL...

It helps to get back in touch with what's really all levels...

It's very close to the language of the animal kingdom...Tarot...Divination of all descriptions.

Hence a full mind is a barrier to the subtleties of another facet or tool ...

When going back through experiences, dreams, life, situations, it's a valuable tool in tracking back to the source...It's also the base .
Then the logical faculties kick in...

Hence the suggestions to FEEL the feel of that dream...


A line of events ...

An unexpected pin prick in a delicate part of the anatomy.





feelings ...




Just a rough idea of what transpires in a few milli seconds of an event...Hence the suggestion that feelings are after effects and associated to the Ego...

Like any investigator, the right questioning coupled with an open mind can reveal the process's and the cause.

The inability to ask the proper questions will lead into different directions...

Not one word can be spoken without it going through a spiritual and mental process...

Firstly ...FEEL...then the other process's begin.

Most have lost touch with it.