is it ok to read with a deck thats missing some cards?


i have a rider waite deck thats in great condition but 55 cards are missing from it. most of the major arcana are still in there like the fool,temperance,justice,ect but i have found that i can still give accurate readings with this deck. your thoughts?


Huh. Well, sure, I guess you could. You're doing it, right? And there are majors only decks. I personally wouldn't though because I'd miss a whole lot of information. Someone gave me a Buckland Romani that was missing 4 cards - I remade them & they turned out very well. But I don't think I'd want to make 55 cards when the deck is pretty inexpensive. But that's just me.


It's okay to read with lollipops, if you want to! :) Seriously, I think the Universe will send you the appropriate cards to get the message across, no matter how many cards you have in your long as you have a good "working relationship" with it. That's what I think, anyway.


Whatever you are comfortable with is what you should do. Read with 3 cards, read with 78 cards, read with runes, read with pendulums, read with anything. These are merely tools. The answers come from within.


also proves back up decks are for the birds :)


I did great readings with my first set of CLOW cards before I even knew there were three missing.

and I read great with my Inner Child deck...even though I knew it was missing the World.

It's true...other cards will compensate for the ones you don't have. The message will always come through if it needs to and you are in tune with it... regardless of the methods.



A deck that's missing 55 cards is missing more than just "some" cards! And it's hard to see it as either in great condition or Tarot any more. You'd have to scrap the titles and use it as an oracle.


QueenxxCups said:
Whatever you are comfortable with is what you should do. Read with 3 cards, read with 78 cards, read with runes, read with pendulums, read with anything. These are merely tools. The answers come from within.

In particularly, the last sentence means the most.

As long as you are in touch with your intuition, it really doesn't matter what
you're reading. Just certain methods require a stronger connection imo :)

Peace and Love


55 cards are, er, a lot of cards . . .

That being said, I've often seen people post here that they wouldn't be able to use this or that deck because it was missing a card, wouldn't take a significator out of the deck because it would no longer be complete for reading, etc. etc. . . .

And when I see posts like this I tend to think--well, so what? The rest of the cards are all there :)

But, of course, that's just my opinion. I am, to the best of my knowledge, not missing any cards from any decks at the present time. Knock on wood.

ETA: One thing you might try is using a complete deck (I see on your profile a Hanson-Roberts?) for your main spread, then pull a card or two from the partial deck at the end as enrichment . . . this might be a good way to make use of it & develop a relationship with the particular cards which remain.

Given how few cards these are, maybe your guides/higher self etc. want you to take particular note of them :D


Chronata said:
I did great readings with my first set of CLOW cards before I even knew there were three missing.

and I read great with my Inner Child deck...even though I knew it was missing the World.

It's true...other cards will compensate for the ones you don't have. The message will always come through if it needs to and you are in tune with it... regardless of the methods.
i do find that alot of cards can compensate for the ones that arent there. like say the reciever is questioning romance. the 2 of cups can possibly denote new love but so can the fool,or the ace of cups and alot of other cards. for customers i have used this deck a few times and they didnt even point out that there seemed to be alot of cards missing0.o but the readings turned out quite accurate anyway so i guess they couldnt complain.