How's YOUR May?


Well, May is 17 days old and I'm wondering how YOUR May is going? Anything unusual, any good Mercury retrograde stories, any GOOD stuff?? Please tell!

I'll begin the festivities by saying that I'm VERY grateful to be feeling terrific (and again, thanks to all of you for your wonderful energy, prayers and light and to GODDESS JADE for Reiki) and for having the strength (and humor) to cope with life (especially THIS month).

There's some things in my life that have come to an end and other good things that have just begun. When it's all said and done, things will work out just the way they were intended to...

Love and Light,


you are sooo welcome and just know that my offer for more reiki sessions is always there for you..........just ask and i will send them :D

as for my may, it's been really quite wonderful......except $$ wise.

our jeep broke down and cost $1800 to repair (and us moving into our new home in just 2 weeks!) someone broke into our freezer and stole all our food (at this point the est. value is about $300) i thought i had more in our savings than was actually there (darn it) and everytime i make a dentist appointment, my hubby goes to work and i can't get there. :(

so in all other may is wonderful, but $$'s a challenge :)



Oh Jade,

The only thing I can say about someone stealing your food is perhaps they needed it badly. What a sad thing. We'll send them Light and hope their life gets better so they won't need to resort to stealing food.

Money has been problematic for many, including me, but better money days are ahead.

BTW, the Reiki is really helping my arm to heal, thank you again.

Love and Light,


influence of Taurus Sun Sign

hey AG and Jade. :)

May.... interesting month... Taurus.

I have been engaged in the process of moving my residence for the past two weeks now -- AND five other people I know are also moving at this time... also, Jade, I think you mentioned you were moving too! .... I always associated Cancer with the "nesting" instinct... but I guess that's more when you're already settled. Taurus, being about grounding, stablity, practicality ... it seems to make sense. Also, I've noticed the influence of Venus / Taurus in "indulgences" ---- haha. although I know I should go on a diet (for my quickly upcoming tropical vacation - wanna be bikini-sporting, though prob. will anyway. haha) but damn, food is gooooood. so, I just blame it on Taurus. :)

okay. kinda superficial observations, but observations, nonetheless. cheers.


I've noticed alot of people wanting to move too. Myself included!!! :) I've been trying to decided between 2 things - moving closer to family or staying where it's warm. LOL
My family lives in Pittsburgh, PA.
For the last month or so I've been trying to figure out a way I can have both (jade, the Kentucky thing was trying to have both :) ), but have pretty much decided that won't work and have concentrated on Pittsburgh. And in doing so things are all falling into place finally. Yea!! LOL
But has anyone else felt like they're a ping pong ball???? LOL I've had sooo many things I'm interested in and want to do lately I feel like I'm jumping all over the place. The bad thing or the good thing depending on how you look at it, is they are all things I really want to do or learn about. !!!!! :D



I'm not sure what you mean by Merc. retro. stories ? we had problems at work and communication is going around in circles. Everyone comes to me to talk about 'it'. I sometimes felt stuck in the middle, as well as knowing too much, which causes not knowing what to say. Other that that....
So far so good, over all, for me personally. We had 2 people quit at work, one from the office, one bartender.(per above) There are only 4 of us so you can imagine what needed to be done to keep the doors open. Got a big paycheck and raise.
May is a packed month for me. It goes very deep. Memories of Mays past. At times it's Bittersweet. Birthdays, hmm. Taurus18 is my best friend, but he's not sure what he's doin' and I'll leave him alone until he figures it out. Then there's Taurus21 that has been after me for two years, not sure exactly of his intentions so I'm just watching. Now there's a little communication story, with this. I don't know if it's a qualified story;(is it?)T21, says to me one night, his daughter won't let him have a girlfriend, she never likes them. I tell him, she likes me..he says that would change if you where my girlfriend. I say, have you asked her ? well NO. Later that same night. My babysitter works (job)with T21's daughter. We're chatting and get on this subject, she says, 'I mentioned your name and she just started talking, how you are cool and how she'd like you two to get together' :p

I feel like something is going to happen, but I don't know in what area of life.

all this I'm sure is due to>>>>>>>>>>>
SUN, MOON, MERC. all in cap for me. Virgo rising.
DOIN' a TRINE dance insted of a square dance???, I just printed a 2002 ephemeris, I should compare. and research. any hints? Tips?



hi. me again. yah, just wanted to add --- MONEY has become a BIG issue for me. never had been before -- and then, bam! need it. :)


MONEY!!! (or lack there of) has been a big problem for me. Still job searching...Runes are telling me I need to try a new approach, so I'll do that as soon as I figure out that approach. :)


lunalafey said:
...we had problems at work and communication is going around in circles. Everyone comes to me to talk about 'it'. I sometimes felt stuck in the middle, as well as knowing too much, which causes not knowing what to say. Other that that....
A very similar thing is happening at my place of work! Communication problems, gossip (some malicious), rumors, and like Lunalefey, I am in a position of being one who knows alot and can't discuss (I'm a manager).

On the $$ side, it's been a month of "big" everything. Let me explain: I received a double digit raise - in hi-tech - so I consider myself very fortunate as we all know hi-tech is doing extremely poorly at present. But, hubby's paycheques are awful, so we haven't had an opportunity to really "use" my raise as we'd like. Meaning, the total household income hasn't changed much. Then, the car cost me $1200 recently.

On the family side, hubs' daughter is having alot of difficulty at school with a teacher who sounds pyscho (but I am only hearing one side of the story).

And I am having very ugly dreams. I only remember snippets, but they all involve really, really verbally loud screaming maches with my mother - who I actually have a loving, adult relationship with.

But on the plus side, my health is soooooo much better (once again, thanks to all who sent light!) and spring is here and the tulips in Ottawa are in full bloom and the birds are is kinda...tense..but it's ok. It'll all be ok.

Oh, AG, if you are at all interested, I am a Cappy, with Aquarian moon & Libra rising. Hubs is Aquarian, and both my stepkids are Libra's! I suspect it's the Libra side that is having the communication problems and the Aquarian side having money problems - while the Cappy side seems to be handling the stress just fine and continues to propser.

Whaddya think?


amyel said:

And I am having very ugly dreams. I only remember snippets, but they all involve really, really verbally loud screaming maches with my mother - who I actually have a loving, adult relationship with.

Oh, AG, if you are at all interested, I am a Cappy, with Aquarian moon & Libra rising. Hubs is Aquarian, and both my stepkids are Libra's! I suspect it's the Libra side that is .

I'm the capricorn w/aquarius rising , virgo moon , and Libra S/O!! LOL, and I think we were born in the same year too , amyel, if I remember right?

Your dreams sound like "dreams of contrary" , and I can't remember offhand what the dreams mean exactly! But it doesn't mean you're going to fight with your mom.

I've recently had nightmares too, (I only remember snippets also) 2 in the last week, and I don't have them too often, maybe 2 or 3 times a year total, that I remember. I've read a lot about dreams , and remember reading that nightmares can actually have positive physiological functions , kicking certain necessary or healing hormones into gear for instance ( or in the same way that people may "enjoy" seeing a horror movie,or riding a rollercoaster, it fulfills something for them, even relieves boredom).So I usually take nightmares in that regard and don't let them disturb me much after awakening.

I seem to have the reoccurring nightmare that a strange person is in my house. It's always a different person tho.
The first one was a strange , disturbed woman in my son's bathroom! I saw the light on in the bathroom and went to see who was in there.The second was a strange semi-conscious drug addict guy laying on my bedroom floor.
In both I got so scared that I physically screamed to wake myself up. In the second one, at the end I Knew I was dreaming but couldn't get away from the guy and out of my house so I purposely screamed because I knew it would wake me up! I think I've been interested in my dreams and dreaming self long enough to Know when I'm dreaming -- or at least recognize signs within my dreams when I become a little aware.

Anyhow, I DID just see the movie "The sixth sense"! (" I see dead people!" ) And I can't help Wondering because it certainly seems possible, and plausible.

As for my life in May? Well , I got a job that I really like beginning of April. But it's a new resterant and they aren't doing as well business-wise as they'd hoped or anticipated. So , everyone's hours are being cut big time . I will most likely be looking for a new job. Money has been a big problum , especially the last year or so! My S/O works but he doesn't make a lot now and can be very unreliable financially. I really really need to keep working and also find a better job. I dislike that I have to be so focused on the aquisition of money. But it seems the only answer right now.

I asked for a court proceeding for more child support because I needed the money so bad. I did get granted a little more. My younger son's father and ex-husband is planning on re-marrying in a few months and it bums me out. I can't seem to get over it.
Certain choices that I made in times of extreme stress still bother me...........