What is divination good for?


I thought it would be interesting for us to create a list of how and when divination works best. I put a star (*) before a list item and then have followed it with a discussion (in the case below with a quote).

* It extends our range of knowledge to what cannot be otherwise known.

"Divination is actually an attempt to extend the range of the rational, to encompass things within our range of knowledge that cannot otherwise be known. Thus there is no contradiction or disjunction here between so-called rational and irrational ways of understanding the world. Rather, in the context of divination, they are sympathetic and supplementary ways of viewing the workings of the world and the place of human experience within it." -- Michael Flower, The Seer in Ancient Greece, Univ of CA Press, 2008).


Whence all things flow—
Whence Mankind, Beast; whence Fire, whence Rain and Snow;
Whence Earthquakes are; why the whole Ocean beats
Over his banks and then again retreats;

Hence, by the Heavens ive may foreknow
The Seasons all; times for to reap and sow.
And when ’tis fit to launch into the deep.
And when to war, and when in peace to sleep;


* tarot is great for healing very deep problems in our lives and working through them.


* It extends our range of knowledge to what cannot be otherwise known.
It also helps us notice what can be known. My surname is Merrieweather, and I do indeed love weather, or more accurately, meteorology, a love which which sadly I discovered too late in life to get qualified. I may sit next to the lake behind my house and watch the breeze chasing the ripples around, and watching cloud-banks build up and start training on the other side of the lake, and from the informal divination-opportunity that weather-watching affords me, I might have sudden insights about areas of life that seem wholly unrelated.

When I practice Tarot for clients, it's about making sense of their lives, or getting them to see it from a different perspective and perhaps find some positive changes that they can make to better their circumstances. But when I pull out a deck and thumb through it for pleasure, it's not about shuffling and peeling cards off the top, it's about looking at all the card-faces, and pausing at the ones that attract me at THAT moment, in THAT deck, and perhaps pondering on that card. So for clients it's more practical than philosophical, and for myself its more philosophical than practical.


Divination with Tarot is good for revealing and hinting knowledge I was not aware of, e.g. the future, current status of affairs or content of unconscious mind, and even what other people are up to.


Well, I just made a long-winded post here: click on this so I won't go into that whole thing again, but I did want to just say that since I believe in a Higher Power in the Universe that we can communicate with and Who designed our marvelous and mysterious brains and souls, Tarot is good for communicating with the Divine and for accessing information in the great, mysterious 90% of our brains we don't consciously know how to use. :)

Ruby Jewel

I realize I'm not alone in the universe, and never will be. Divination is a way of sharing that feeling with others.


It's a way for me to step back and see a situation from perspectives that I can't see when I'm actually in that situation...
It's like a picture is taken that I can examine and see things I can't actually see when I'm in the picture myself (substitute 'me' and 'my' for 'querant' if the reading isn't for me)..