Career Spread with Ying Yang shape from $ symbol

Ann Yu

I created this spread due to my sudden idea about Ying Yang shape.
Click here to see the picture that I've made so that you can image

Here is my spread's positions:

- "S" always reminds me of Ying Yang shape (%) because it's just like the border between good and bad, angel and demon, female and male, anode and cathode... But it's hard to present "S" shape in a spread, so I choose the two black and white little dot. It presents two things that are opposite, the same to "s"
- "S" also reminds me of "$" - cash - career.
- Career is the field that nowadays both male and female cares. And good career is one of the important terms to create good life - the temperance.
For all above reasons, I present to you my new spread ^^. Here is the content:


(Hope you can see that it's the "S" with a line "|" => $)
1. The advantage in my career
2. The disadvantage in my career (due to 2 dots in Ying Yang show opposite)
3. What about myself?
4. What about the surrounding that effects me?
5. The result
Well, I hope to hear opinions from you guys. Thanks so much for reading ^^