An am I biting off more than I can chew with this new job spread


An 'am I biting off more than I can chew with this new job' spread...

I'll have a go here but any good ideas jump in please and share with me. ( I have a cold so not thinking very fast right now. :) )

1. Maybe a 'meant to be' gauge at the top of a circle...

2&3. Person who is around to help and the way in which they'll help

4. Difficulties / Challenges to overcome card.

5. How well will it benefit me card Or will I earn enough?

6. Outcome fulfillment good completion card.

Or in a line representing going forward. (It's a bit like a sword)


What do you think?

I'm undertaking a new position of employment, and I've lost the support I thought I was going to have...
I still want the job but it's scary. I think I can cope but don't want to let down these people who are offering me a position of responsibility.

Normally I'd throw a celtic cross, but maybe there's something more specific that invites issues particularly of money and who's around to help...


Cut to the Chase Spread

If you want it shaped like a sword, try this ...


1. Handle: Your handle on the job; what you bring to it, how you comport yourself
2. Guard: What/Who supports you; person, team or thing
3. Hilt: How you can utilize that support
4. Base: What you need to learn/know; how you can strengthen your position
5. Shaft: your follow through; separating the wheat from the chaff
6. Point: the direction you can take this job