What spread to use or how to ask the question: Why is the Universe keeping me from...


Why is the Universe keeping me from a new relationship?

Background: This is for me. No matter what I do, I am steered to staying single. If there is someone I am interested in, they them begin dating someone. If I want a friend to set me up, they will agree and then back out. If I go on a dating site, the two (only two!) profiles I really liked, well one of them never logged on again and #2 never even opened my message.
What is strange is that everyone else at least opened my message. Except that one.

It's like the Universe has me waiting, because the opportunities I do see are taken away from me.

How should I pose this question? Or is there a specific spread to use?

Many thanks, love, and light.


Some suggestions:

What can I do to attract a new relationship?

What about myself do I need to work on before I can have a new relationship?

What is holding me back from having a new relationship?

Or simply - "Wassup with this sh*t, man?!"

As for spreads, I'd go for a 3 card one. Or, I can't believe I'm suggesting this because I hardly use it, the CC. It seems like the spread for questions like these.

- from someone who's comfortably single & just waiting for the right guy, if he ever comes along :)


Thank you Yannie. I shall try those. Hopefully, the Universe has a beautiful, awesome surprise in store for me šŸ˜

Some suggestions:

What can I do to attract a new relationship?

What about myself do I need to work on before I can have a new relationship?

What is holding me back from having a new relationship?

As for spreads, I'd go for a 3 card one. Or, I can't believe I'm suggesting this because I hardly use it, the CC. It seems like the spread for questions like these.

- from someone who's comfortably single & just waiting for the right guy, if he ever comes along :)


The Universe is probably a lot wiser than we are. Maybe it's a case of "watch out what you wish for, you might get it. " :p

I agree that you should phrase your question as "How can I prepare for a relationship?" or "what has to happen before I'll be ready for a relationship?"

I'm comfortably single, too. I have absolutely no desire to change that. There's an old paradox that if you're looking for a relationship you won't find one. When you come to the place where you're not seeking one out of feeling the need to have one, THEN the relationship will appear and develop.


I believe the Universe is neutral. So maybe you need to ask, "what am I doing that is blocking me from a new relationship?" I am not saying this is your "fault" but maybe you want too many things in a relationship and it creates a null set--a set with nothing in it.



Grizabella & Ace, thank you! I used that as a basis for a question and it helped.