Nostradamus spread



I was watching a documentary about Nostradamus on History Channel, and got inspired with a few tarot ideas. The first one on the top is to analyze the current year a person is going through:

1- Summary of the entire year.
2- Your works/achievements/mistakes that you made that you can learn from throughout the year till the present.
3- Your present situation.
4- Possible works/achievements/mistakes that you will make from the present until the end of the year.
6- Mental influences the past till present.
7- Mental influences from the present to the end of the year.
8- Outside influences that affected your actions of the past until the present.
9- Outside influences affecting your present actions
10 -Outside influences that will be affecting your actions from the present to the end of the year.
((2&8, 3&9, 4&10 are meant to be read in pairs))
1- Summary of the entire year including past, present, future.
5- Emotional condition summary throughout year. :p

This is the first tarot spread that I've made. Any suggestions? Criticisms? Ideas? It'd be awesome if you guys would point out the way.


Intresting Tarotingineer, It's a bit mind twisting but comprehensible. Can you show me a sample reading? I've written this in my spread dairy


Will post a sample reading whenever I can. :)


o.k., if you say so! [wink]


A Sample reading.

Now I couldn't really translate it all since I'm not that experienced at Tarot and the instructional booklet decided to get wet during the rain so I had to throw it away. But here's what I got:

1 - The Empress
6 - 7 of cups, reversed.
7 - 6 of wands
5 -7 of pentacles
2 - Knight of swords, reversed.
8 - 4 of Pentacles
3 - 3 of swords
9 - 8 of wands
4 - Death, reversed
10 - Knight of cups.

1) The Empress is a card of creation, according to what I've read, so I'm guessing that it's going to be a very creative year for me, and if I choose, I can get many things done.
6) This is a card of bad decisions? I'm just guessing here. >.< Help?
7) This card requires me to be above all, and be a champion of the people. It also states that I'll find my solution in the future. So I guess, confidence is involved - confidence in what I want and going to do; and realizing my strengths and weaknesses and using them for the best, so that I become a champion among my friends.
5) This card advises me to be in control of myself first, before I can take control of the situation that I'm facing. It also advises me to be patient, and not to rush into things, but take it slowly, one step at a time. Spiritually, it tells me to gain balance, take some time to calm myself down.
2) I dunno what this cad means here - I'm always confused when it comes to analyzing reverse cards.
8) I've been too afraid to lose it all, so I've been hanging on to everything tightly. This card tells me to kind of take things loosely, not to be so uptight. Not to worry too much about things.
3) A lot of words are going to be exchange, most of them hurtful. The three of swords is definitely not a good card, and it does indicate heart-break, and emotional hurt.
9) This card states a fearless mindset, where I'm not afraid to say what I know - confidence, in other words. Too many things will happen at once - I'll revel in it and work with it all.
4) Like I said, I've no clue with reverse cards *yelp* Help!
10) This card is a card of love, romance, loyalty ><. It states that I'll be dark minded, or have a dark mentality.


1- Summary of the entire year.
2- Your works/achievements/mistakes that you made that you can learn from throughout the year till the present.
3- Your present situation.
4- Possible works/achievements/mistakes that you will make from the present until the end of the year.
6- Mental influences the past till present.
7- Mental influences from the present to the end of the year.
8- Outside influences that affected your actions of the past until the present.
9- Outside influences affecting your present actions
10 -Outside influences that will be affecting your actions from the present to the end of the year.
((2&8, 3&9, 4&10 are meant to be read in pairs))
1- Summary of the entire year including past, present, future.
5- Emotional condition summary throughout year.

1 - The Empress

6 - 7 of cups, reversed.
You will no longer be tempted to repeat this mistakes again. Nor see what material benefits come out of it.

7 - 6 of wands
AS of right now, You're still seeing and gathering what needs to be done and those who need help

5 -7 of pentacles
Emotionally you feel satisfied althoguh there are things that are missing in your life.

2 - Knight of swords, reversed.
You no longer need to be on the go or trying to pull everything in order, you just let it slide slowly and see what comes out of it.

8 - 4 of Pentacles
Still need to let go of things you are holding on to especially emotional things.

3 - 3 of swords
if you are single: Might be that there is someone whom you like but cant get the courage to let this person know or simply you are having trouble in your
Married: Need to stop being pushed aside if you feel your not getting attention ask for it.

9 - 8 of wands
Things out of nowhere are just shooting at you, coming at you, and you feel quit unable to deal with this things.

4 - Death, reversed
You will be taking responsibility on you action and jobs that you have. Be more firm and organized.

10 - Knight of cups.
Might be love or friendship that is going to be coming to you, friends of yours will be asking you for your help, to put things on hold and go out with the girls.


2&8: Let go of your insecurity, be free, quite thinking that you have no achived nothing, becuz you have,

3&9: If the person you want is not interested in you, let them go, there is more out there for you to see and catch.

4&10: Don't neglect those who need you. Even if it means leaving things on hold. Karma will repay you dearly for it.

Hope this helps... :D I'm new to tarot too, maybe I can teach you a thing or two... :-D


I'd be delighted to learn :p


I love this spread. What Tarot Deck did you use for the reading?
I am going to print this out if its okay with you and try this with one of my decks.
Thanks for this amazing spread.


I used the un Rider Waite deck. And yeah, go ahead and use it :)


Thanks so much. Now to decide which deck to use.

Tarotingineer said:
I used the un Rider Waite deck. And yeah, go ahead and use it :)