The Hermit ~ Fantastic Menagerie


My favourite Hermit card, ever. :heart: This card is the reason that I own the deck at all, and I've wished for a print of it, to hang on my wall.

"I was not born a hermit. Life made me one. I know, too, that soon I shall change again, into something else."

This, I can also relate to. I was agoraphobic on and off, for a long time. Unfortunately. I think it was good for me for a while, and I was pushed out of it at my Saturn Return, but it took me a while to get my 'sea legs' back. There are ways in which I'm still readjusting. I, also, wasn't born to be a hermit; the opposite, in fact. But life made me one, and I have since changed, although I do wish that I'd listened to the small inner nudges to back off into my own space, last year, and just draw, and/or paint, as I used to.

I love this little caterpillar, shining his light, as though he's watching out for something or someone. The leaves are huge, and depending on your view, could appear menacing/scary, as to what might be hiding in there (and the light that's cut off, depending on how close you are to them).

There's a warmth to this card that I don't see in most other hermit cards. I really do :heart: it.