help me buy a new tarot deck-I'm burned out

Briar Rose

What do you define as a symbol type deck? What is a Jungian deck?

Gerald Schueler a psychologist studied Jung and his ideas about combining the 2, and this is what he wrote:

The Tarot deck contains archetypal symbols that can be related to the analytical psychology of the Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung. The Tarot deck, especially the major arcana or trump cards, can be used effectively in therapy. The client, with the assistance of the therapist, conducts a reading or uses several cards to tell a story and then discusses possible meanings of the symbols in his or her own words. The therapist then relates the symbolic meanings given by the client to the client's problem in much the same manner as in Jungian dream analysis. This therapeutic process can be explained by using a chaos model. Using a chaos model of therapy, a period of psychic instability is deliberately induced by the therapist through stimulation of the imagination via the Tarot symbols. Concentration on the Tarot symbols induces bifurcation points that the therapist then uses to direct change toward desired attractors. This is similar to the well-known techniques of paradoxical communication, paradoxical intervention, and prescribing the symptom, all of which induce a temporary condition of psychic instability that is required for a bifurcation.
What About the Jungian Tarot deck by Robert Wang?


The Victorian Romantic 2nd edition from Baba Prague is also very lovely, and I believe still in stock. All of their decks are gorgeous- this one included. I think their quality speaks for itself and there isn't really much more I can add to it. It is also gilded and lovely- very easy to read.

I was also going to suggest the Victorian Romantic. :) Lovely images, but without being a "fluffy"-reading deck.

I do love the Tarot Illuminati also, Tansey Ella, but I can't tell if it would be to your style or not, from your list.


Try the Gilded Tarot? I like the images and it's quite a pretty deck.

Lo Scarabeo Tarot may also be to your liking. Hmm.


Tansey Ella

I read your post and if certain types don't appeal to you, there's a reason. Tarot is SO individual. I just look through scans and see how I react. You mentioned not wanting "preachy", Christian type decks and used the Anna. K as an example. I like decks that fairly closely follow the RWS and the Anna. K does (I see the Anna as more of a nature deck than a Christian one, I don't see it as preachy or Christian more than the standard RWS). Good luck in finding a deck that appeals to you, I'm sure it's out there. I know it can be hard to find a deck you really want to read with. But that helps my collection stay small! :) And fyi, I think all decks are "psychological" as that's how I find they work for me.


What about the tarot of the Old Path?


when I am "burnt" out on tarot, I turn to a tarot of the Marseilles deck, there are many out there, so one is sure to "grab" you.


Here are some different decks:

I know you said you don't like fairy decks, but Shadowscapes has really pretty artwork. Moore's Steampunk is something different. Dreaming Way has interesting art and has more developed characters. Older but super psychedelic is Tarot of the Metamorphosis. Rosetta is my favorite deck. And finally, Alchemical or Sevenfold Mystery by Robert Place.

I was going to recommend Hexen 2.0 but now it costs hundreds of dollars :-/

Edit: One more to look at:Intuitive Tarot - Conway

Tansey Ella

I just came back and thanks for all the suggestions. I think the Jungian deck might be doable and I do intend to look at the Ludy Lescot deck.
The symbols I was referring to are abstract type symbols like circles etc that just make me crazy but some people really like that stuff. I recall the one that was sort of just lines and one card built on the other. I wish I could recall the name, it has been of recent origin, ie, last 5 yrs. That is a deck that would make me crazy.
The Marseilles decks I will check into. I have never ever looked at one.
I recall the Dante deck I have, it was a bit odd, but OK. I don't mind weird creatures- I like the Deviant moon at lot. I never feel frightened by it but know many do not like it.
keep the suggestions coming. I am taking a break from tarot until I find a deck I like again. It may be one I already own or may be a new one. Right now the Jungian and Ludy Lescot are in the top running plus I will look at the Marseilles decks. also the Rosetta.


A break...

I don't have many suggestions as other people have because well, as someone stated before, it is VERY individualized. I have every different type of tarot deck imaginable. BUT there have been times where I have just been so very burnt out. My wallet has been empty, and my heart and mind needed a break and some much needed down time. During this time even the idea of tarot is overwhelming to me, even though I hear their call. Then out of the blue I find myself back here conversing with other tarot enthusiasts, collectors and my spark is seemingly re-ignited. Sometimes it's not about buying a new deck that you haven't used before or even exiting your comfort zone as much as it is about being around others who rekindle your passion for the beloved tarot. I know it always makes me feel happy...and my wallet seemingly emptier..>__>


If you're into RWS decks, I'd take a look at the Steampunk, Bonefire, and Daniloff, all recently released. While all three closely follow RWS symbology, for easy reading, they each offer a fresh aesthetic, with a new perspective on certain cards.

The Steampunk (Moore/Fell) is readily available, expressive, and a bit darker, aesthetically, without giving depressing messages.

The Daniloff is self-published, and pricey. The cards are gorgeous, delightfully quirky and unique.

The Bonefire is also self-published, but much more affordable. It's rich, vibrantly colored, and inspired by old-school tattoo art (without being too derivative and looking like tattoos.)